If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you go over to visit
Jo-Anne for her wonderful giveaway....I really want to win this! She'll tell you what you have to do to sign up! Don't miss it...She's drawing a name out on July 30th! She has a great blog, The Carter Clan that I love to visit!

Also a few days ago, I was tagged by
Stephanie and
Kate to do this ABC MeMe, so I thought I'd give it a try. Here goes:
A. Attached or single? Attached...happily married to Jason for nearly 26 years.
B. Best friend? Jason
C. Cake or Pie? Depends. Love wedding cake & banana cake, but Pie probably wins.
D. Day of choice? Saturday
E. Essential item? Bible
F. Favorite color? Red (all the way!)
G. Gummy bears or worms? Neither, but if I have to choose...gummy bears.
H. Home town? A little southern town :)
I. Favorite indulgence? Decorating my home & blogging
J. January or July? I like both for different reasons, but July for the 4th.
K. Kids? 2 (son & a daughter)
L. Life isn't complete without? God.
M. Marriage date? July 31, 1982
N. Number of brothers and sisters? 1 brother. (2 twin sisters in heaven)
O. Oranges or apples? Apples (green ones)
P. Phobias? Heights and snakes.
Q. Quotes? Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own
understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will
direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big
your God is.
R. Reasons to smile? Being a Christian....my family...my home...our health..
S. Season of choice? Fall
T. Tag 5 People? Anyone that hasn't done this and wants to...you're tagged!
U. Unknown fact about me? I went to Nursing School for 2 semesters after high
school, and although I did very well, I didn't like it
and I quit, then got married!
V. Vegetable? Potato
W. Worst habit? Biting my lip.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound...love those baby pictures
Y. Your favorite food? Definitely Mexican!
Z. Zodiac sign? I don't do that stuff but my birthday falls into Virgo.
And finally I want to leave you with a few more pictures from the reunion:
Cousins, cousins and more cousins!

That's Tanner (my cousin's son) in the middle...I love his look...surrounded by girls!

Can you tell they're related? I think they all favor some. That's Sydney (my cousin's daughter), Laci (my neice), and Joy (with green gum in the corner of her mouth)!