Last night we began our routine of going to dance class again....twice a week! The exciting part for Joy and her best friend, Katie Beth, is the fact that they are in Pre-Company with the Dance School. They will now be cast in the ballet play that takes place at recital every year. This year's play will be Sleeping Beauty. They are SO excited! Last year's play was Peter Pan...and it was fantastic! They have ballet technique class on Tuesdays and jazz/tap on Thursdays. Here's a picture of them on their first night back (last night) in front of the school.

They are also excited because when dance starts back, they see each other four days a week....those two nights at dance, Wednesday night church and Sunday at church!
And most of you probably know already, but
Kindra has been celebrating her 30th birthday that will take place the end of this month with pictures of her childhood and bits and pieces of "history" from the year she was born. It's been fun to read. And now it's HER birthday, and she's giving away this!

Be sure and stop in and leave a comment for a chance to win this beautiful gameboard painted by
Kindra! The drawing takes place on Friday, so be sure and visit before it ends!
And last but not least, I have been so kindly awarded the I Love Your Blog award by four of my great blogging friends! I am very honored and I thank you very much for being so sweet and generous to think of me! I have met so many kind people and I look forward to reading all your blogs! It keeps me very busy and you all have the best ideas to share...I love your creativity! Thanks to
Lisa of Black Sheep Prims,
Mary of Gettysburg Homestead,
Carolyn of Cranberry Crossings, and
Rondell of Tomatoe Creek Prims!

The rules are to pick seven and post also leave a comment telling them of the award then post the award pic on your blog.
I know that many have received this award and many are deserving! If you haven't received it yet and you're on my you have! I truly enjoy visiting all the blogs on my blogroll! I'm never content unless I've been able to stop in and visit them all! So grab your award and proudly display it on your blog!
Colleen of And Baby Makes Five, has given me the sweetest award...The Smile Award. Just her thinking of me for this award made me smile! Thanks so much, Colleen! I'm so glad I've "met" you through blog land! Your blog always lifts me up!

The Rules for the Smile Award are as follows:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator (it's right on the award)
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see below.)
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver. (s)
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human.).
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes.
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world.
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.
Okay, here's my five on this one. I think this one hasn't been distributed as much, so I'm going to choose five (which is VERY hard) all make me smile!
Lea of Farmhouse Blessings - Lea has the sweetest spirit about her. She adores her kids and her husband. She loves being a wife and mother and her blog always lifts me up!
Mandie of Life in the Craft Lane with Mandie - Mandie is a very generous person. Out of the kindess of her heart, she gives free graphics for us all to enjoy and she even performs random acts of kindess, of which I was a recipient (with my new header). She always makes me smile!
Paula of The Fraker Farm, always makes me smile and sometimes just outright laugh! She is always upbeat and she turns every adventure on her farm into a positive one! I always leave her blog with a smile on my face!
Deb of Deb's Country Kisses, is a very wise, cheerful, and fun blogger! She is very inspiring and adores her family and her kindness shines through her blog and comments!
Rondell of Tomatoe Creek Prims, is a friend of mine from the CS forum. She helped me when I began my blog. She has a kind heart, is a great mom, wife, and grandma. Her comments and friendship always puts a smile on my face!
Thanks to all my blogging friends for your visits, your comments, and for sharing your creativity and lives with me! I feel like I have so many friends on here! Thanks a bunch!
Have a great day! :)