About a week or so ago, I was tagged by Mandie to tell seven random things about myself. So here goes!
1) I can't chew gum (at least not for long) because it gives me a headache every time!
2) I rarely go anywhere without my camera. And I'm much more comfortable on the taking-pictures-side-of-the-camera!
3) In'm a night owl - not so much a morning person at all - at least I tend to get more accomplished at night anyway!
4) I'be been playing the piano since I was 10 years old. I started playing in church when I was 14 years old.
5) I love log cabins and the whole pioneer era of history.
6) I love teaching kids and have taught kids in some way or the other beginning at church as a teenager. Kids just love you know matter what! I just love kids, period.
7) And should I tell this one? Okay...I hug a pillow when I sleep at night (and of course my hubby too).
Sorry it took so long, Mandie! And the rules say to tag more people, but if you want to play along and tell seven random things about yourself, I'd love to hear them! Consider yourself tagged! Oh, here are the "official rules" though.
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
And Wendy actually offered this award to anyone that hadn't received it. Now I wouldn't have just posted it like that probably, but I thought it was so pretty and when she left a comment telling me she would like for me to take it, she twisted my arm! :) I really appreciate it, Wendy, and I'm honored to display it, as fall is my favorite season! Thank you so much! And Happy Birthday to you today too!

And just today, sweet Karen of Homespun Simplicity awarded me with this blog award! I am very honored, Karen, and will proudly display it on my blog! Karen only started her blog in October, and I think she's doing great! She's on my blogroll and I love visiting her blog! If you haven't visited her yet, stop by for a visit! Thanks SO much, Karen! Now, I'm supposed to pass it on to 15 blogs, however, as you know Karen, it's hard to do! :) I'm going to take the easy way out, but it is my most sincere way too, and honor every blog on my blogroll with it. If you're on my blogroll, I visit your blog because I enjoy it and find it interesting and crafty. Please grab this award for yourself and display it on your blog! Really, I want you to! I'll be looking to see if you grabbed it! :)

And just today, Stephanie booed me! So if you haven't been booed, consider yourself booed too (in the nicesty way of course) and display this on your blog too!
And alot of you have probably already seen these, but there are two more giveaways I'd like to show you.
Angie from Simple Thyme Primitives is giving away THIS in honor of her birthday! Isn't it nice of her to give something away for HER birthday? Thanks, Angie! I think Olde Frosty is just adorable and doesn't he look like he wants to come home with me? :) But I guess in all fairness, I should tell you to click over there and sign up before November 3rd! :) Happy Birthday, Angie!

And another great giveaway going on is over at Simple Needs. Kim is giving away all these great Christmas goodies in honor of her 100th post! I love Christmas so much...I think these want to come home with me too! :) Congratulations, Kim, on your 100th post!

And last of all, but definitely not least, I'd like to share a picture with you taken this past weekend. You see alot of our daughter, Joy, because she's home with me all the time and a willing subject for the camera. Rarely do you see Colt on here because between college, work, a girlfriend, and friends, he just passes through here from time to time and when he is here, he's doing schoolwork and laundry (remember he's our laundry guy!) :) However, this past Sunday, we went to Alabama just for the day so his girlfriend, Amber, could go with us and meet some of our family there. We had a great day and lots of fun, although it was a quick trip. I took this picture of them. He always tells Amber that I take my camera everywhere with me, but she understands because she loves photography too!
Until next time, ya'll have a great day! I hope you get lots of projects accomplished and work completed! It seems like EVERYONE is busy these days! :)