So, I ordered a couple of patterns and decided to give it a try. I began last week while we were out of town. I had originally planned to just let Joy draw a pumpkin or something fall(ish) for me and try that first. But when I thought about spending time on something, I decided that it would be a Christmas stitchery. For some reason, I'm in Christmas mode. I'm wanting to watch Christmas movies already and actually we have watched a couple! I'm excited about having our church ladies Christmas party at our home this year, so I think that's why I've not been into as much fall decorating as I am thinking ahead to Christmas.
Anyway....I started my stitchery last Sunday. I didn't have all the colors it called for since this was a last minute decision, but between the colors I did have and my friend, Betty's, I was able to get close enough to make it work.
I didn't tea stain it until after it was done either. I know the "correct" way is to tea stain muslin before, but I wasn't prepared while on the trip, so I just stitched it anyway. Then when we came home, I just soaked tea bags in cold water and dabbed my muslin with it in random spots. I think that it turned out okay that way.
So now it's time to frame it. I would also like to sometime try putting one on a pillow, but I'm probably going to try the framing first. I'm unsure about the whole pillow thing, but I'm sure I'll learn that in time too.
I'm so excited about stitching now and I want to try all these great patterns I'm seeing and I'd like to try a few of my own. I really want Joy to do some drawings for me too, so I can stitch those. I'm now in a stitching mood and I blame all you great primitive stitchers for it! I now have something else that takes time (just what I needed)....but actually it really is a fun thing to do while sitting and watching a movie.
When I get it all framed, I'll be sure and show you how it turned out. Oh, and someone said, you can tell a great stitcher by the back of your stitchery...well let's just say that I'm not a great stitcher! :) But my philosphy is that no one should be looking at the back anyway, right?
That turned out great Tammy!
I am trying this stitching thing for the first time too--
I sure hope mine turns out, if it's 1/2 as good as yours-I'll be happy! :)
Can't wait to see it framed!
Have a wonderful day!
I LOVE it, cant wait to see it framed! I think you did a wonderful job for your first time:)
I love it! I have wanted for a while to give stitching a try! Might just have to get busy for Christmas! =]
Tammy, it turned out just great and I love it. That is a darling pattern. I did my first one awhile back & it is addicting but also something you can do while watching TV. Can't wait to see it framed. ~ Pam
I just ordered my first pattern last night..So we will see how it turns out! Yours looks wonderful!
That turned out ADORABLE!! Great job!! Pillows are easy, all you have to do is put a piece of fabric behind your stitchery and sew it up leaving an opening for stuffing, stuff and stitch the hole. I can stuff pillows all day but attaching a stitchery to a piece of frame scares
Have a Good day,
It looks great! My first stitcheries aren't that nice! I did my own designs and started without really knowing all the info like the proper stitches.
I stain everything when I'm done. It may be the "wrong" way but it's how I do it...
I wanted to stitch some of Shane's work before. I saw somewhere on a board that someone did that with their childrens artwork and made a nice patchwork quilt. I loved the idea! I started to trace some of Shane's stuff but never really went further than that.
Have a great day!
Hi Tammy, just finding your blog. You are very talented. I have done a couple of these in the past and they are fun. Especially while you're just sitting watching t.v. I'll have to pull mine out
Tammy, You did a GREAT job. I'm about finished with one and I'm like you---it's addictive. I used to cross stitch but this is better because you don't have to consentrate as much!! LOVE the idea of doing some of Joy's drawings--great idea!
Wonderful job Tammy, I can't believe it's your first's that good!
I always stain mine after I'm done, love how it makes it all the more prim:) I just use left over coffee with some vanilla and cinnamon and it works for me:)
Have a wonderful day!
I love your little stitchery! It is so cute! I didn't know there was a particular way to do the staining. I have stitcheries that look to have been done both ways...I kinda like the after way. But that's just me! ~Beth~
I just LOVE your stitchery, Tammy! I've been eyeing that very same design for a while now. It just speaks to me for some reason. I guess it's because I just adore snowmen... and that little tree is just so precious.
I've caught the stitching bug, too! It's a great way to relax in the evenings and I think that they make such wonderful gifts. I usually frame mine and I stain everything at the end. That's one of the many things I love about prims ... there's no one "right" way to create.
I can't wait to see more, my friend!
Tammy, it turned out great. I told you you were doing a good job. I found out the backstitching for your patterns won't work on my cross stitching. I have squares to work with not a pattern like you do. Really though, your first stitchery turned out real pretty. I sure do like the finished product.
Tammy, you've done such a beautiful job on your stitchery! I love it!
It's been ages since I've tried stictching of any kind to speak of. I will just have to get busy and give it a try again real soon. I love the tree that you've done! I also like your idea of stitching some of Joy's drawings too! That would be great!
Have a great day!
Love & Blessings,
Fantastic! I love it!
Check out Chestnut Junction patterns too... they have email patterns and are awsome!
It's really sweet Tammy! You did a great job.
It looks wonderful! I just done my first one on Saturday and I am fixing to post it. You did a great job!
Oh, very cute! I so want to learn something new in the way of either stitchery or quilting...or something!...this winter. I love your snowman- he's adorable!
I'm not sure if you have ever watched "Little People Big World" but we were just at their pumpkin farm, so come take a peek! :)
Hope you're having a great week!
Great job, Tammy! That's an adorable pattern.
Don't be afraid to try a pillow...they are really very easy.
I can't wait to see your stitchery all framed!
Have a fantastic day...
Great job for your first time. I just stumbled to your blog from someone elses link, now I am going to have to add a link from my blog so that I can follow your progress.
It looks wonderful!
You did a great job on that project! I too have been in a stitching mood, so it must be in the air.
Oh and if you looked at the back of my stitching you would think that Josh had been doing it. lol
Your stitchery turned out great! I bet you will be making lots of them now.
Have a great day!
I love your stichery. I want to learn to do it but don't have a clue where to start. What do you use for material and how did you get the print on your material to stitch over? I am totally clueless but would love to learn how to do this. Beth
Great job on your stichery. I love it. My back never looks all that great either but as you say whose gonna be looking at the back anyway.
I LOVE it!! It turned out great! I cant wait to see it framed!
Turned out great Tammy! I wish i had picked up stitchin earlier, i just love it! I always stain mine after as well! U are hooked now girl! LOL
That was great for your first one! Adorable pattern too.
When I know I am going to be entertaining, it makes me want to do more for that Holiday too!!
Love your stitchery---another great site for patterns is cedarberry stitches. Stitching keeps my hands from finding chocolate!! You go, girl!!! julie
Wow Tammy; You did a wonderful job on it. I love to stitch also, I am doing some white pillow shams. I love the pattern too. Keep going I can't wait to see more of your work.
it looks great tammy~i love her patterns~i have too many to the backs of mine are not pretty, trust me! can't wait to see it framed!
I love it. I think you did a great job. Someone else also asked and I hope you will tell us. I am also clueless so could you please tell how do you get the pattern on the material? I really want to try stitching. I used to cross stitch a lot but got out of it. I still have all my string couldn't part with it. So if you could just fill us in on how and where to buy patterns I would be so appreciative. I love the pattern you chose.
Look at you! Your first project and you're already a pro. It really is quite lovely, Tammy.
I sure do enjoy the primitive stitching too. So much easier on my 40 year old eyes than cross stitch. Can't wait to see your project framed and tucked in a little corner somewhere. It is perfect for winter.
Love your choice of music too. Such fun.
Merry Christmas (LOL)
... don't rule out coloring books for wonderful designs. Especially the ones with nice chunky designs. I love them!
Tammy you did a great job!!! I hear you about being hooked!!!
I looked at the photo large and the stitching detail is great. It is a cute pattern. I used to use coloring book pictures as patterns. They are simple and you can pick your own colors :-)
I should probably hunt up my unfinished embroidery project. It is a dresser scarf. I haven't worked on it in about 3 years... a problem with my shoulder kept me from it. LOL... I just turned and looked under a table near me and there sits the basket. You have inspired me to pick it up again :-)
That is so great. And amazing because it is your first time. Love it. Now I want to learn! :) hugs, Ellen
It looks fantastic!!! I, too, want to try stitching! You did a wonderful job! :)
Mom, great job! gettin' that thing threaded was hardest!!!!! I know I tried! LOL!
Love, *Joy* =D
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