On another note....I'm very close to my 100th post. It doesn't seem possible that there could have been that many since May, but I guess time flies when you're having fun, right? Anyway, just to celebrate, I have a little giveaway up my sleeve, so stay tuned and check back real soon! :)
Now about the movie worth seeing.....We went this past Wednesday to see Fireproof. The movie is based on a firefighter (Kirk Cameron) who although he is a hero and accomplished in his occupation and the community, lacks those very qualities at home in his marriage. I don't find a movie very often these days that would be worthy for me to post on my blog, but I feel like this one is! It's a great movie for not only husbands and wives, but in my opinion, for anyone that has any thoughts of one day being married. Joy saw this movie with us and we even talked about it with her (at her own level) afterwards. It's a movie we've also encouraged Colt, our 19 year old son, to see as well.

My friend, Tammy over at Lattes and Lollypops, wrote an excellent review on it this past Monday and I couldn't have said anything any better than what she said. Click on over and read a little more about the core of the movie.
You really owe it to yourself, your spouse and even your family to see this movie. Make a date with your husband to see this or even take your family with you. I won't promise that you won't shed a few tears (although you'll laugh too), but I believe you WILL walk away from it uplifted, taking a good look at your marriage, and feeling empowered to do the right thing. But don't take my word for it...Check it out yourself! Go see Fireproof! :)
And I also wanted to show you today a favorite spot of ours that's on the way to my brother and sister-in-law's house. Jason pulled over so I could get a picture this time. We always pass it before we realize and promise ourselves that we'll stop next time. Well, this time we stopped, pulled over, backed up, and with my super duper lens, I did get some shots. Like some of you have said, I did feel a little wierd taking pictures of someone's home, especially standing on the side of a highway with people passing by, but the house sits back way off the road, so I don't think I was invading anyone's privacy. (So I guess I really didn't feel wierd enough about it to NOT do it, did I?) lol!
Anyway, here's some of my favorite shots. I love the way it's situated near the water and the view surrounding the cabin. (The only thing that would make it even more perfect to me would be mountains in the horizon.)
I can just imagine living there in that cozy spot. It also makes me wonder what kind of family does live there and what the cabin looks like inside. I can imagine sitting out there on the porch taking it easy watching kids play or just reading or observing nature...or even out there in a little canoe on the water.
There's a couple of more places on the way to Alabama that I like as well and I missed them this time...maybe I'll be lucky enough next time to get shots of those too. As a matter of fact, one day I'll just have to do a whole post of some of my favorite houses or spots to share with you all!
But don't you agree that this is a gorgeous spot?
I will definitely make a date with my hubby to see this movie. Thanks for the tip & the link to the review. Love those pics you posted. That would be a beautiful spot to build a home. Have a great Friday.
Hi Tammy,
That is a real gorgeous spot that you shared a picture of! The cabin and surrounding area sure does look to be so peaceful. I'd love to have a place like that too. Just someplace where one could get lost in their own thoughts.
My hubby and I went to see Fireproof last Saturday. Oh, it was sooo good! We also recommended it to Daniel to see. We also bought the book The Love Dare by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. We also purchased the couples kit that has the dvd and 2 participant workbooks inside, but, the dvd didn't work right, and Mardel's book store is out of them now. I've got to check back with them in a couple of weeks. I checked other bookstores only to find they didn't have the couples kit either. It definately sold out fast!
I would love it if you'd share all those interesting places you mentioned today in your blog with us someday!
Have a wonderful weekend Tammy!
Love & Blessings,
Me and hubby went to see if Saturday and I think it is by far my most favorite movie EVER! We will be doing this with our Married group as well and then starting the bible study that goes with it! Definantly a must see!!
Love the pics too!
Beautiful photos, Tammy!!!
And I am hoping to have a date night next week to catch Fireproof!
It's about time that the theaters see that we want good quality movies!!!!
Thanks for sharing,
This movie is on my list of "must see's" too! I loved Facing The Giants and all the Left Behind series with Kirk Cameron. I with there were more movies like that in theater's these days.
The pictures of your favorite spot are just beautiful. How relaxing and serene it must be to live there!
And, since I missed posting on your welcoming home, Richie, post, I just wanted to send my hugs and thanks to your brother and his family for their sacrifices they've made and his service to his country. Our men and women in the services need our prayers every day and I'm so happy for you and your family that you can have him home and safe. Hugs to you all~ Birgit
Hi Tammy ~ what a wonderful spot for a home...wow! The view is beautiful!
I'll have to talk Glenn into taking me to see that movie..sounds good!
Beautiful photos!
And I can't wait to see Fireproof! I have been waiting and waiting for it to finally come out. Hasn't Kirk Cameron turned out to be such a swweet man? I just love him!
The spot is gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing! Stop in and visit soon...I haven't seen you around for awhile! :)
I have seen the previews for this movie and it does look like a good one!
I love the pics of the house! What an amazing view!
I saw an interview that Kirk Cameron did on the Today show earlier this week and I thought that this little movie seemed like a winner. Such a powerful message. I'm glad to know that it's as impressive as it appeared. There are so few in that category these days.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend! Fall is here for sure now. We're expecting highs in the 50s this weekend :)
I so badly want to see that movie. I saw the trailer for it online, and found it to be really touching. Not sure if my hubby would be interested in it or not. I hope they will show it here in Australia. I'll probably have to wait til it comes out on DVD to ever see it.
P.S. - Love all those photos too. Very nice!
Hey Tammy,
My 21 year old son went and watched this movie the other night and he was very impressed with the movie. He also has said the same thing that me and dad need to go see it.I love the pics you shared. Have a blessed day!
Thanks so much for the movie suggestion. We haven't gone to a movie for a long tim because there just aren't that many worth spending the money. We WILL go see this one. Your photos are beautiful--so serene. Have a great weekend. Julie
I can see why this is one of your favorite houses. It's beautiful. I'm sure you are not the first to stop and take a picture.
I just watched Facing the Giants and loved it. My daughter told me about this and said I would want to see it. Thanks for confirming that it's a must see.
Thank You for the heads up Tammy on the movie. I am going to really need to make a date now. Nothing like a good movie with the one you love ;)
I love the view...great spot. It looks so calm...I want to go...LOL
Hope you are having a great weekend :)
Tammy, I so appreciate your linking over to my post...that is so sweet!
But you did do a wonderful review in your own right!
I can't wait until the movie is out on DVD because we have decided we definitely want to buy it. It will be so nice to be able to see it anytime we want! Plus share it with others...
What a picturesque cabin by the water...I can totally see why you have fallen in love with this scene. I've done the same thing on occasion...see someplace I'd ideally love to live and imagine what it would be like...or even see a painting of a cottage and wish I could walk right through and live there! :)
Thank you for saying that you might be interested in participating in the home school show and tell on occasion, too...if I do start that, it will just start out small and casual, but I think it will be fun peeking into the "schools" of one another once in awhile!
Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!
I recently heard about that movie. I am glad to have another positive opinion. We will put in on our list!
The pictures you posted are breathtaking. What my hubby would do to be able to be there right now!! He really misses his fishing and camping. There is not anywhere like that in Arizona!
By the way, I am SO glad your brother is home, safe and sound!! What a happy time for your family!
HAve a wonderful weekend,
It's beautiful, I would love living there. Deb
That movie is not out around here...I hope it comes to our little town...I am hearing how good it is.
I loved your post welcoming Richie home....all the signs and love just brought a tear to my eyes.
Love your blog. I'll have to go see Fireproof. A couple in my Parents of Preschoolers class at church mentioned that this movie. I really didn't know to much about it. I like Kirk Cameron and the many christian movies he's been in. Stop by and drop a line. I am having a giveaway that ends this Saturday. It is for Breast Cancer Awareness. hugs, Ellen
I just got back from watching Fireproof... it was great to see such a different-flavored movie on the regular, big screen
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