I bought the wooden 8 1/2" x 11" frame at Dollar Tree (for $1.00 of course). I gave it a coat of Evergreen Americana acrylic paint (I love that brand, by the way..not watery at all). I then brushed back over it after it dried with watered down antiquing glaze. Then just barely glued the burgundy homespun, cut to the size of the cardboard backing of the frame, to that backing (with a glue stick on the corners and one spot in the middle)....cut the muslin down to the desired size and it just sat in the middle and stayed and didn't move...I didn't even have to tack or glue it down. And that's it! Very inexpensively done, but I love it.....Christmas colors and everything...Ready for my Christmas decor!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :)
Tammy, your stitchery (finished product) is really pretty. It turned out great. I can't wait to see your next one. You are doing a great job. Told you that you could do it.
YOU DID A GREAT JOB....the stitchery looks great and I love the way you framed it!
Oh Tammy-that turned out great!
I haven't framed mine yet...jeepers girl...I thought I had to sew the homespun boarder on!!!!!!!!! by george---I think I can do this, if only I could glue a pillow together!!!! :)LOL!
I will have to try to get mine framed too...I have so many projects goin on right now...and it's all you girls' fault too...just too many GREAT ideas! ;)
Have a great Saturday!
That is just darlin', Darlin'!
Great job!
...and if you go back a page or so of posts on my blog, you'll find out about the first time I showed off my "rear view"!
Have a great day! Kimberly
I just love it, Tammy, and you make it look so easy. Such a great way to frame something. Thanks. Pam
I love it Tammy!
It turned out so nice...
Isn't stitchery fun???
I to have completed my very first one.
Have a wonderful weekend!
It turned out amazing, Tammy! Love the homespun...adds a nice touch. The Dollar Tree is a great store. Carolyn from Cranberry Crossings told me that they have wooden words like welcome, dream, relax, faith, etc., and they're raw wood and need painting. I haven't seen them though, but definitely need to check that out...I'm glad she gave me a heads up about it.
Oh it turned out just beautiful, I love it :)
it looks great~love it!
Hi Tammy,
If you look back on my recent blog you will find tons and tons of free patterns from Twigs and Sprigs. There are so many to choose from. I got so excited when I saw them all...hehe.
We are very proud of Tabitha...I just hope she keeps these habits as she grows older.
Now, which one was easier??? To be honest I find them both the same. I enjoy them both so much! I have yet to make the Christmas penny rug but it will be a up coming project because I love it so much.
Very nice~ I love it!
PEFECT! I love the new sew part - I need to try this!! it looks wonderful Tammy.
Please tell Joy thanks so much for her best wishes. What a sweetie!
hugs, Linda
Tammy it looks just wonderful! Now I bet you are excited to do many more. Great job.
Thanks for posting on my Blog!
It turned out really cute, who would have thought to use a glue stick?
As far as the swinging doors...still sticky. I was planning on staining them after I heard from you. Hope we can find a solution! Blessings, Dianntha
Tammy, I love your stitchery! I also love your frame that you finished for displaying your stitchery in! So very pretty! Hard to believe that Christmas is just right around the corner! Your stitchery will look fantastic with your Christmas decor!
Have a great weekend!
Love & Blessings,
I love the stitching: and the Alvin music
I just LOVE how it came out! I have never done any stitching before, but when you showed this on Tues., I knew I will have to give it a try. Thank you for posting how to get started on stitching yesterday!
Janel in NJ
PS I always loved Christmas time when I was a child because my Dad would play a Christmas record that had this Chipmunks song on it!
Hi Tammy..I don't think I've ever left you a comment, but I've been reading your blog for a little while now. I just love it:) And you first stitchery looks awesome!! I like the homespun behind it..I'll have to do one like that soon. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and that you did a great job:) Hope you're having a good weekend! <3Lauren
Hey Tammy! That turned out so cute! You'll have to check out the forum, I posted pictures of a new pillow. Great job on the stitching and framing!! Jax
It looks great! I have several Christmas stitcheries that I can't wait to bring out!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Oh it turned out perfect!!!!! I can't wait to see what else you do now!
Your finished project turned out so nice, thanks for sharing about painting your frame and your homespun border. Christmas is just around the corner.
It turned out great, Tammy. Great job!
WOW! I love it. I hope to start one maybe next week. I just got back from my weekend of scrapbooking and relaxing it was great. Now back to work, sadly it's my last week so in between looking for a new job I will need new projects. Thanks again for the instructions and the pictures.
Oh, Tammy!
It's just beautiful!
How exciting that you were able to frame it so inexpensively, too!
I can't wait to see the rest of your Christmas decorations!!!!
This looks absolutely amazing!
Can't wait to see what else you make:o)
Great job--stitiching projects make great gifts. Not too expensive but so fun to receive. Have a great day. Julie
Tammy, how KEUTE! I love this, and now it is just the beginning...you know you will have to do more! How fun. I think you did a pretty darn good job.
You did a great job and it looks very nice in that frame. I was looking through your blog and I love the one about all the signs in your home. That is SOO me. I did a post too on all signs.
It looks wonderful, Tammy! :)
By the way, the home school open house has officially begun!!! If you're not too busy, I hope you can join in! :)
Tammy~I like all your crafty ideas...you've given me some great ideas. I like the way you put the border around your stitchery. I never would have thought of doing it like that on my own. It looks great!
Great job Tammy:) I have been so busy finding all of the free prim stitchery patterns that I haven't even started mine yet!
Wooly hugs,
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