Taffy has had many adventures and "close calls". She is the spunkiest dog I've ever seen and so smart too. She is a country dog through and through.
Last night awhile after we arrived at their home, Taffy experienced her latest adventure. She cornered a skunk in their carport and I bet you can guess what happened next! Yep, we were "blessed" with skunk scent room spray for quite awhile. They didn't have any tomato juice in which to bathe her but did find some tomato sauce. It didn't work as well, but helped a little.
Let's see...here's a few of Taffy's many exciting and dangerous adventures:
She once bit a frog and came in foaming...and foaming...and foaming...at the mouth for quite awhile.
She had a scrap with a rooster....and I guess you could say the rooster won. She had numerous cuts and lost alot of blood. It didn't keep her out of commission for long though.
She fought with an opposum. The fight left her with an opposum tooth embedded in her 3rd eyelid. (apparently dogs have 3 layers of eyelids and this was on the 3rd one). She was one miserable dog.
Taffy chases armadillos......and rides them! Now that's one thing I wish I had a picture of!
She's been bitten twice by either a copperhead snake or a tarantula spider.
Her closest to death experience was a fight with dogs. She was in pretty bad shape with infection. She pulled through though.
Taffy nearly drowned twice. One of these times, she had chased a flock of birds over into water without Betty and Richard realizing and the area had a walled area and bless her heart...she couldn't find a way out! She was fighting hard when they discovered her.
She's also had a tooth pulled and a hernia removed.
And did I mention that Taffy loves to fish? She perches right on the edge of the boat and attentively and patiently watches the lines for a catch. She anxiously waits for it to be reeled in and then she has to "examine" and "approve" and lick every one! One time Richard and my dad were fishing using weiners as bait and Taffy decided to help herself to a weiner (with a hook inside). My dad caught her just in time before she swallowed it!

Yep, Taffy is definitely a dog living on the edge. She lives for thrills and adventure and wouldn't be happy any other way. After all, life would be dull otherwise. :)
Who woulda thought. She looks like such a fru-fru dog! Very cute.
Ha, ha! Well, She sure Ain't! LOL! I know, I acdentily stepped on her once and she just acted like nothing happened. She is T-O-U-G-H, TOUGH! LOL!
Love, Joy =D
She is still a cutie. I've never heard of a Tomboy Dog. :) We have a baby (dog) and she is also spoiled. Abby is a girly girl. She's not a country girl she lets our cats do all the work.
What a spunky little thing, Buster sure would love her:)
Hi Tammy; I just wanted to stop by and visit you and tell you how much your support has meant to me; I am not sure if my replies have gotten to you and others but I am trying to visit everyone and say thanks; I was sorry to read about your DH being ill too; are they all in on a secret? Like its scare the doodles out of your wife month or something? Yikes; and as for the dog; well she must be a bulldog underneath the fru-fru look; because she sounds like she gets in as much trouble as my bullies; although thank goodness we have not had all those incidents with critters! Tell her to be careful; she is sure awful cute! Love from me and the bullies
LOL oh I do not envy them with the skunk issue!
This post made me smile! She is adorable...and can't believe what a tough cookie she is! Wow! Sounds like she could take my big lab-chow on in an instant!
I love that picture of her perched on the boat...adorable!
I would be a nervous wreck worrying about the next adventure! I don't want to see their vet bills! But, I do understand how much a person can love an animal...and they really are worth the time and effort. :)
She sounds like a super hero!! I love her already. My mom has a yorkie, quit a bit bigger that this one, her name is Zoee Noel. Your friends is a cutie! Dawn
A cute little dog... I mean family member :-) He is so adventurous. I have a friend whose family member got sprayed by a skunk and her vet gave her the formula at this site: http://dan.drydog.com/patsyann/skunk.html ... except liquid soap is dish detergent like Dawn.
Oh my word! My Olive O is a tomboy, and gets her nose into a lot of things she shouldn't, but nothing like this little cutie!
I love her!
Wow! Taffy is quite a dog! She sure is cute too. I hope her adventures from now on are a lot less dangerous!
Hi Tammy ~ What a cutie pie, but sounds like she sure has some spunk to her!!!
Have a great week!
What cute doggie--skunk smell and all! Hope you have a great day!
I thought is was cats who have 9 lives-LOL!! What a cute dog. Our dog got in a scrap with a porcupine this weekend--yea, the porcupine won. My hubby pulled many quills out of her nose. Luckily, none got in her eyes. Have a great day. Julie
Hi I am here from Mama's Place and you have a very nice Blog!!!
Cute doggie! Blessings, Grams
oh my word! She does not realize how little she is! Takes a beatin and gets right back at em'!
Wow, you can never tell by looking at a dog whether they are a sissy or feisty. We had a mini daschund once who would chase our bull (yep) around the farm pen...it must not have known how small she really was.
Loved your post!
Boy, I thought my dog was bad. He eats everything he finds and always greets people at the door with a pillow or something in his mouth, shoe, dishtowel, whatever. Hope Taffy has nine lives!!!!!
Those are supposed to be little sissy dogs! My neighbor has one and all it does is bark and run--and not toward its atrget but away!
That's quite a success record. And I always thought it was cats that had 9 lives.......
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