Monday, October 6, 2008

My 100th Post Giveaway & A Custom Order

Today is my 100th post. It's hard to believe it, but it's true. I've had so much fun with my blog. Blogging for me, combines many loves. I love to write; I love to share about my family; I love to share about our homeschooling experiences; I love to share decorating and home improvement projects. I have "met" so many nice people through blogging and the CS forum. I'm honored, excited, and humbled to know that it's enjoyed by others as well. So please know that I don't take it for granted and I appreciate each and every one of you that stop by to visit my blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)

And now to celebrate that 100th about a giveaway? As tempted as I was to make it a Christmas one, I held back! (That way I get to do another one that's Christmas related later, right?) This is a fall giveaway. Here's what the winner gets:

It includes a burgundy distressed table bench made by my hubby (primmed by me), a set of fall blocks made by me, a leaf resin bowl, a package of faux acorns and faux leaves. (runner not included)

Here's a closer look at the table bench. It is antiqued burgundy. It measures 11 1/4" wide x 20" long x 5" high.

This fall blessing block set was my first attempt at making my own set of blocks. I freehanded it is amateur, but I hope you like them anyway!

And the bowl is in the shape of a leaf. It is made of resin.

Also included will be the colorful autumn leaves to sprinkle around and a bag of faux acorns.

Here's the rules: Leave me a comment if you would like to enter (bloggers and non-bloggers welcome). Within the continental United States, we will pay shipping. If you live outside the continental U.S., you are welcome to enter and should your name be drawn, we will pay shipping up to $15.00. Any cost to ship over and above that would be your responsibility. I really wanted to include everyone, so I hope this helps. Since we are gearing our Etsy store toward small unfinished wooden decorative items and small furnishings, we would also like to know in this comment...If you were buying wooden decorative items and small furnishings unfinished (to be finished, customized by your self to your own preference of color and distressing), what items would you be interested in? That gets you entered once. If you would be so nice as to post this giveaway on your blog, I'll also add your name in two more times for a total of three times. A name will be drawn out on Thursday, October 9th, at 10:00 a.m. (central time). I will announce it soon afterwards. Please remember if you leave an anonymous comment as a non-blogger, to leave me a way to contact you if you win (an email address).

And since a new blogging friend of mine, Dianntha (Ohio Farm Girl) agreed to let me share this with you, I'd like to show you a custom order of two sets of shutters that she purchased for her garden shed.....well this is one set of them anyway.

Now Dianntha and her family have been very busy working around and on their home and garden shed lately. She bought these shutters unfinished, then customized them with paint to match her home. Click here to see the shutters on her garden shed. Thank you so much for your order, Dianntha and for letting us share! And everyone can stay a future date, she'll show you something else that was part of that custom order that she's working on....and I can't wait to see it customized myself)! Thanks, Dianntha!


Yankee Ridge Primitives said...


This is a GREAT giveaway! Please please enter me:) I will post this on my blog in a little while as well. Now for your etsy shop.....

Ide love to see stove covers, table benches, shevles and i think your little blocks are adorable. Why not add them already finished?

(I hope I did this right?)

Raggedy Angel said...

Love that table bench....cograts on 100th post! Great Giveaway ....enter me! beth

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into the contest! I love the table bench and would have great use for it. Congrats on your 100th post!

QuiltedSimple said...

I love the little table bench. I'll post this on my blog here shortly this morning.

I'd love to see table benches, shelves and your blocks are FANTASTIC!


CozyGirl said...

I'd love to entered in your giveaway!
I think it would be great for you to sell unfinished dough boards in different sizes. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a nice giveaway. Please enter me.

As for your etsy shop, I would love to see finished items and they would be table benches as I am getting to really like these and blocks with sayings on them and also stove covers that are square.

I will add you to my blog when I get back later today and tell everyone about your giveaway. If it is ok with you I am going to add you to my sidebar for all my friends to find you easily.

Unknown said...

Morning Tammy,

Please enter me into your Contest, I adore that table bench.

FOr your Etsy store, How about a box of some sort that holds napkins for on the table? Great help for those big families, I know I'm looking for one!

Enjoy your Monday,

Mamadoc said...

Great giveaway, please enter me. I like to purchase wood items already finished. P.S. I love your blog site :)

Anonymous said...

Tammy I am a new follower of your blog and I love it!!! Halloween is my fave. holiday of all time! I just adore what you are giving away!!!!!! And the burgandy would match my dining room sooooo well!!!!! You are very talented!!!! =] Have a great day!!!! =]

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Hi Tammy!
First off...CONGRATS on your 100th post!!!
I would love to be entered in your give-away!
I love all the goodies!!
I love-love the little bench and the bowl and the blocks...well EVERYTHING ya do...i just it all!
I want to put it on my blog too, but I am only a beginner...don't know what I am supposed to put on?? I do have your blog site listed--any help or tips ya have for me would be greatly appreciated!

Again-Congrats Tammy!!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. Your husband does wonderful work. Please enter me in your drawing.

I also live in Arkansas.

My e-mail address is

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammy. This is your Ozark friend. I would like to enter in your giveaway. You know I enjoy reading your blogs so much. The giveaway items are really pretty.
If I should win, you already know where I live.


Wendy/TheCozyYellowHouse said...

Congratulations Tammy on your 100th post!! I always love to come visit!:0)
I would love to see unfinished cutting boards and dough boards.
I will post your giveaway on my blog!! Have a terrific day my friend!!~Wendy

~Judy~ said...

Hi Tammy. I'm from the CS Forum and read your blog daily. Congratulations on your 100th blog! That's a lot of writing. I would love to see wooden holiday items finished at your Etsy store like pumpkins to hang on your door or the light up box ones. For Christmas maybe some stockings and snowmen. PLEASE enter me in your wonderful get away. The table bench would be a perfect match for my kitchen table.
Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. Pleae enter me iin your contest.

Also, please stop by my place sometime for a visit. I would love to have you.

Pat in Tenn

Back in the Day said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing Ms. Tammy!
I love the bench!
I would love to see shelves and display racks for bowls and plates. Also, Saltbox houses too!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th post! What a festive and delightful fall collection you have in your giveaway! I'd love to be included in your drawing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I lok forward to reading your blog and seeing all the wonderful things your DH and you create. Congratulations on your 100th blog. I would love it if you would enter my name for your drawing!


~Laurie said...

Since Jenn has visited my site, and I have been visiting hers, I am really starting to like this Prim style. I never really thought about it before and now I am hooked!
I will post your giveaway on my holiday blog.
Please enter me, as I need to start on my collection of Prim items! LOL. As for what I would like to see more of? EVERYTHING! LOL

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Hi Tammy!

Congrats on the 100 posts! I fnd your reasons for blogging so much like my own reasons. And I love to come here and see what you are up to in decorating and crafting.

I have a table bench already so I am going to ask that you not enter me and let someone else have a beter chance of winning yours. What a great giveaway!

I would be more apt to by something unfinished so I could put my touch on it - but I am a crafter. I bet it depends on who crafts and who doesn't! Good luck with your items in your etsy!

Anonymous said...

Tammy I adore your give away items. Please enter me in your drawing. I can see these treasurers on my table already. I can do without the runner because I have one just like it to set underneath the table bench! So see, I should have this.

I love everything you and Jason have created thus far. I think that benches and shelves would be a great addition to your ETSY store. I would also be more tempted to buy things finished since I really lack the talent of painting and distressing.

Congrats on your 100th posting. Waiting for number 200!!

Amy Cosma - CS Forum

Janel said...

Hi Tammy,
Congratulations on your 100th post!
I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I just love it! You are so lucky that your husband is so talented:) I would love to be entered in your giveaway! You are so sweet to do this!
You have the most beautiful home and family:) God has truly blessed you! I can't wait until you have your etsy shop!!! The things that I would be interested in are shelves, table benches, hapkin holders and wooden pumpkins just to name a few. I am not crafty so finished would be better for me.
Janel in NJ

Birgit said...

Hi Tammy. Congratulations on your 100th post! I hope you continue your blog for a long time, as I so enjoy visiting you here.
Please enter my name into your drawing. As far as what I would be interested in, well, just about anything! I especially would be interested in candle shelves.

I also mentioned your giveaway on my blog. Please come on over for a visit. Hugs~Birgit

Sue said...

Congratulations, Tammy! First of all...I love visiting you every day. Love seeing what else your hubby has made and how you've decorated. PLEASE enter me in your giveaway and I will be posting on my blog also. As far as what I'd like to see offered....the table bench is wonderful. I have been wanting one. Anything primitive and I like them unfinished so I could add my preference but I like red, black or mustard colors.

Kimberly said...

Hi Tammy, LOVE your goodies! The handpainted blocks are wonderful... first attempt or not! You did a great job!

Unfinished wood... let's see... I would love to see stacking benches and pegboards... but then again, I'd love just about anything!

Please enter (and then pick) me!

Blessings, Kimberly

Anonymous said...



Tammy said...

Tammy what a great giveaway. Good luck to all who enter. I will post this on my generous folks blog as well. Thank you for such a great fall giveaway.

Colleen/And Baby Makes Five said...

Oh, wow! Count me in, my friend!

As for what type of items I would order unfinished: Prim shelves, peg racks, small display cupboards, table benches ... that sort of thing. I have a hard time finding these items around here unfinished. The quality is often poor and the design is often not quite "right."

Beautiful creations as always, Tammy! I'll post about your giveaway this evening.

Have fun :)

Another Mom on the Internet said...

Please enter me. I know just were they would go too. :)

I'll be posting your giveaway on blog.

Myself, I would probably purchase unfinished. I like to make this match my decor. However, my mom (who is sitting here) says she would buy something finished rather than unfinished. (( She's not a 'crafter'))

Dawn said...

Tammy, count me in on your 100th post giveaway!! Its darling, I'd love to win. Thanks Dawn

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

WOW!!! I never would've known it has only been 100 posts! Congrats, kiddo--you do great postings.
As far as the products, I have a list!! LOL
unfinished dough boards
unfinished wood trivets
finished peg boards with square nails for pegs
finished stars-all sizes
wall shelves

I love black, olive, sage, cranberry, burnt orange, mustard, ivory.
Thanks, Tammy, for having this great giveaway.
Good luck, everybody!!!!

Julie said...

WOW!! What a give-away. Please enter me. I would love to win!! Your shutters are great!! Have a great day. Julie

Angie said...

Hi Tammy,

What a generous giveaway! Please enter me! Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a heartfelt note. It meant so much to me. Hubby is still looking for a job..but he is finally starting to get some good responses. It looks like we are going to have to move from Ohio because there is just nothing here. That should be interesting but kind of exciting. I will keep ya up to date. I like the idea of sanded boards for signs that people can request sayings for or colors for. Or, maybe letter blocks in different colors. Those are hard to find unfinished. I am really happy for you guys and hope more business comes your way.

God Bless,


p.s. wanted to let ya know..I found this cute Little House on the Prairie photo album you might like..It's on my selling if ya wanna check it out..thought you might like something like that..

Teresa said...

Congrats Tammy on your 100th post I love reading your blog everyday.

What a wonderful fall giveaway love the table bench it would look good on my dining room table. Can you add my name to the drawing also?

Would love to also see dough boards and napkin holders.

Daffodil Hill said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Great give-away items! Since I am not decorating this year, I won't enter the contest, but you are going to make someone very happy. : )

basketsnprims said...

Hi, Tammy! I would love to be entered in your giveaway, it's awesome. I will post it on my blog right away. I like the table benches, Mary mentioned dough bowls, simple blocks, and signs. The signs would have to be finished but a bench I would prefer unfinished. Thanks so much for your generosity. You & your hubby do awesome work.


Mistress Meeyee said...

want all these goodies and I hope I will win them!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Tammy...I just love your posts:) Congrats on your 100th too! Please enter me, I'll add this to my blog later this afternoon.
I would love to see a bowl rack unfinished I want one so bad:)
I love the blocks too they look great!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 100th Post! I love all the items that you are giving away in your giveaway, so please also enter me in your giveaway! Thank You!

The table bench is sooo nice! I love the color! I also love your blocks that you made!

On your Etsy shop, I'd like to see some wood covers for over 4 slice toasters... that looks like it has several drawers on the front. I think someone from the CS forum posted a picture of one a while back. I thought it looked pretty neat!

Have a wonderful day Tammy!

Love & Blessings,

Station 521 said...

Great Giveaway! What would I like to see...I love those shutters and I'm always a sucker for benches of any kind and size!

Congratulations on your 100th post!

Katy said...

oh my goodness gracious...i SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO want to win! (can you hear my desperation?? LOL) I totally love the things you are giving away!!! Please sign me up!

I already love the shutters you sell...but I think my main love is benches....big ones, small ones etc. Or even if you make framed windows or mirrors that we could distress/stain/ paint the frame....and then hang it on the wall...that would be so great!

Anyway..thank you for this wonderful giveaway!!! I am crossing my fingers! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy!
ohhh, your giveaway looks wonderful!! Please enter me in the drawing, my email is

As far as the etsy store goes, I think those stove top covers, small wooden boxes (like the one you got at the thrift store), candle holders that you hang on the wall (big enough to hold the size of a Yankee Candle size jar), recipe boxes, remote control boxes, tissue box covers, appliance covers. Since Jason is so good at woodworking, these small wooden items would be easy for him to do. So far, he has done a wonderful job and you have also with the finishing!!
keep up the good work!!

have a great evening.
Jill (aka jbean from CS).

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th! What a great fall collection.

Unknown said...

I'd love to be entered into this giveaway!....thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,

I am a blogger enthusiast who for now is just scoping out all the great decorating blogs I can find. I stumbled upon yours and think its fantastic!
I love your homes style. PLEASE enter me in your 100th draw. I'd love to be apart of it.

Thank you! *Smiles* Marcia

Cathy said...

Congrats Tammy on your 100th POST!!

I would love to see some shelves all sizes with open slots to place our cute prim items on them! or even some thin wooden ladders. Of course I already love everything both you and your hubby do!!!

Off to share this on my blog now!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! Congrats on your 100th post! I love to hear a hubby woodworking and you get to add that extra special charm that I like alot! I think the Esty shop stuff should be completely finished items, but that is just me. I'm envious of your thrift shop finds too.

Sharon said...

I love the table benches.
I like small wall shelves with hearts on them.(unfinished)
Please enter me in your contest.
I enjoyed reading your blog.
I must say that the shutters that your husband made were wonderful.
God bless.

Jill said...

Ooo! Ooo! Please enter me in your giveaway! I am a blogger but I'm a private girl so here is my email address so you can let me know when I win! :) Thanks!


Sara said...

ooo..too cute! I love the little bench and those blocks are great!

I would love ot see table benches, lots of wood items, blocks, small shelves to hang things from etc.

Gayle said...

I'd love to see you sell some noodle boards. I know they're kinda big, and might be difficult to ship, but for those who can't find them anywhere else it would be a great item!

Jo-Anne said...

HI Tammy! What a super fantastic give away!!!
I would love to be entered!

I would like to see wooden dough board or wooden bowls..(I know those would be hard) Benches are always fun and easy to make.

Anyway--I will post about your give away!

angie said...

hi tammy~please enter me~love all the goodies~as far as unfinished, table benches, dough boards, candle boxes, shelves, stools, peg boards, benches, etc. i will also post this on my blog~thanks!

Kathy said...

Oh My! What a WONDERFUL giveway. I would love to be the winner.

Oh goodness, for your shop, blocks, signs, shelves, etc.

Cinnamon Stitched Primitives said...

Hi Tammy,
Please enter me in your drawing. I will post your giveaway on my blog.
For your etsy shop, I'd love to see table benches, bread boards & benches.

Anonymous said...

What a nice thing to do!

I would like to see shelves, peg hooks, plate and mug racks, large birdhouses, small and medium catch-all boxes, desk organizers.

Georgia Girl said...

Pick me! Thanks for having a giveaway....Came over here from the cotton patch.

Love to see little blocks. Do you have them cause I really want some. I am in a small town with no Michael's or Hobby Lobby or Targat. Heck nothing so it is 60 miles for me to get craft stuff so I get things online but sometimes it can be expensive.

Terri said...

Please include me in your contest, and I will post it on my blog right now! Thanks so much - you are so incredibly creative! :)


Anonymous said...

Tammy....Congrats on your 100 post!! I love prim and your work looks outstanding..!! You should consider posting your work for orders on your blog...??!! The cookies you made look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Tammy, congratulations on this being your 100th post!! I have enjoyed everyone of them. I checked out the shutters Jason made for the special order and they turned out great. The shed looks awsome. Quite a shed I might say and the shutters just add the finishing touch. Boy, I'm not real sure what I would want unfinished from your site. You do such an awesome job on finishing I'm sure I'd want you to do it!!! Anyway, I'd love to be entered in your drawing. Congrats again!! Jax

simple~needs said...

enter me.............
i would like to see table benches, stove and noodle boards
sink boards
wood boxes
cutting boards

Black Sheep Lisa said...

Hey Tammy, please enter me in your awesome giveaway and i will post it on my blog tomorrow.
I think offering the wood prims finished and unfinished is a great idea. Some folks love to paint but dont have access to building things. congrats on 100 post!

Juanita said...

I hope I win this one!I am posting this on my site. If I was going to buy something wooden it would be a stove cover! I want one of those so bad!Also I would Love to buy a bowl rack.Congrats on your 100th post. And I enjoy coming to see ya! have a blessed day.

Tricia said...

Take me please. I am so not decorated for fall yet. Your hubby is a great guy to do your woodwork.

WoolenSails said...

What a wonderful and generous giveaway. I love fall things and colors, great time of year for decorating.


Terry said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! Please enter me!
I just started my blog recently, but figured out how to add this to mine.
I love stuff finished most of the time, but there are some things I would like to finish myself. I guess that wasn't much help. Hahaha! Candle boxes, bowl racks, and shelves would be great items for your Etsy.

Shay said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Oh what a wonderful and sweet thing to do! I just love everything in the giveaway! me, Me, ME!!! Oh please enter me, I would so love to win this! I will post this on my blog tomorrow my sweet friend!

Let's see, I think you & I have discussed this before on the Etsy shoppe during Mal's auction. You know I love everything you do, but I would love to see a noodle board, possibly stacker stools/benches type thing..the ones that go from small to large. I think that if you go too large shipping for you guys would be crazy! Oh also, maybe some kind of fixin holder, oh prim totes too!?! I love black, red, and mustard. that is what my house has! I hope this helps! Many hugs!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Hi Tammy,
I love the garden shed shutters. They make me wish I owned my home!

I am most interested in shelves and bookshelves and little book holders and bookends that sit on a shelf.

I mentioned your give away on my blog here:

Congratulations and thanks for keeping it Fall!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Tammy on your 100th blog. I can't wait to read the next 100!I would love to be included in your give away. That bench would look great in the middle of my table. :)

I have a friend who has the neatest shelf. It's actually a spoon holder with a shelf at the bottom. SHe purchased it years ago. I just love it. I'd love to have sommewhere to display my childrens baby spoons.


Michele said...

Hi Tammy ~ what an awesome giveaway! I love your block words...that's my favorite! And any kind of shelves in the primative colors!

Have a great week!


Blessed Beyond said...


Congratulations on your 100th! And I'm so glad I found your blog. It is really awesome.

Your giveaway is so awesome. I'd love to be included and I have already posted your giveaway on my blog.

As for for the store, I love the table benches, shutters, and shelves. I really love your blocks, and think having some finished ones would be awesome! I'm sure I could go on and one. I really love your stepback cupboard!

And please tell your brother, Thank you for serving our Country! I'm so glad he returned home safely! The welcoming home Blog really got me!

Hugs and Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into your drawing. I just love all the goodies. Especially the little bench. i have been wanting one for my dining room table.
I have to say I would buy the little bench unfinished or finished, but would like to see shelves,trays, cubbies, toaster covers, blocks etc.
I love stopping by your blog.


Theresa N. said...

Wonderful giveaway, so many goodys it's like Christmas. Look the Fall look.
Theresa N

Anonymous said...

Tammy please include my name in your giveaway. Love visiting your blog and seeing all the fun,creative things you do.
Hugs, Lucy

StitchinByTheLake said...

I can think of lots of things I'd like to have - a corner shelf being the first. I'd also like to have a bench to use as a coffee table and a dough bowl. Thanks for having the giveaway. blessings, marlene

~*Marie*~ said...

This is a super giveaway... count me in. I love that table bench and I have been covetting all my blogger friends table benches for soooo long..... I think your Etsy will do great!!! I love your shutters, too.

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

What an awesome give away! The table bench alone is a great prize in itself! Please enter me!

For your store, I think giving the customer a choice is great, but some people can't visualize the finished product. So I think you should also have some already made for those people.

I love your blocks. I think short Bible verses would be adorable on them. And seasonal blocks are always a winner. I also love to see words of encouragement and thought, such as " make your own happiness" and "don't be afraid to dream."

Have a grat day!

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaway and your fall blocks look great! I have been wanting a table bench, so I hope I win :).
I would love to see sink and stove covers in your etsy shop. I think those are great! Have a wonderful day!
Jessica T

Janene said...

Hi Tammy, Congratulations on our 100th posting. I have yet to start a blog myself, I just blog hop, and come up with some fantastic ideas for my prim home! As a matter of fact, I have been looking for a table top bench for some time now and just havn't come up with one I like, until now! Please enter me in your giveaway. My email is Thanks, Janene

Kindra-At Home With K said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Thank you so much for this great giveaway! I posted it on my blog. :)

Well I think you and your hubby do so well with small wood items (big,too): shelves, small decorative boxes, small benches/stools. A do-it yourselfer would like unfinished but I think most people would want their items finished. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

Heather said...

Yall did a lovely job on that piece. I'm looking forward to seeing the Cameron movie. I also enjoy the fact that when I see his movies I'm supporting an artist that has chosen to follow a higher standard than what Hollywood would dishes out.

Kerri said...

Congrats on your 100th post!!! What a great give a way! I will be posting this on my blog. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Hello Tammy

I am a new follower of your blog and I like it very much. By the way: Congratulation on your 100th post. So you will see my here for the future.

Best wishes
send you

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Holy Moley!!!! You got a lot of followers Tammy. Congrats on 100 posts!!!!

Please enter me into your drawing. As for what would I like to see... hmmm... bowls or trays for candles and fixins.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th post. I have enjoyed your blog.


Back in the Day said...

I forgot to tell you, I put your giveaway on my blog so I get my extra entries! YIPEE!

Anonymous said...

Hey congrats on your 100th post!! I am new to this but read everyones blogs daily. This is the first time I've entered a giveaway. Your blocks look great!!! is contact info for the contest

Celene said...

Hi Tammy. Please enter me in your giveaway. Great fall goodies. I love the shutters. Very good job. Come on by my Wood n' Whimsy blog and enter my jewelry giveaway. God Bless! Celene

aussie gardening in America said...

Please enter me, you have some wonderful stuff there. I am forever looking for shelves of all shapes and sizes that I can redo or finish so that would be my suggestion.

marnie said...

What a great giveaway. Please enter me.

Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. Love reading your blog.


pinetrees on the moor said...

Hi Tammy i would love to enter into the draw i will be keeping my fingers crossed.Love the blocks and the leaves, well i just love it all.Take care~ Kate~

Tammy said...

OK, Tammy...I am totally laughing at myself because of my puny giveaway I just posted a second ago...
Wow, this is wonderful!

(And 90 other people apparently feel the same way!!!)

Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you just recently, and already I count you and one of my dear bloggy friends!


Catty Wampus said...

Congrats my friend on your 100th post! I love this I just HAVE to win this one; oh yes I do!!! Well I have told you before that I love the idea of the shutters unfinished; but also finishes as you do such a great job and the bread boards or stove top cover things? and some of those blocks and the table bench too, oh shoot I want it all! I love your things and wish I could fill my home with all of them; I want a cabinet like yours too; oops that is not little ; well you know!:) Chairs would be nice; I have been looking for those high back chairs with the cane seats unfinished oe even finished; I don't know if those would be too hard to make? Anyhow congrats! Merrie

JenW!~ said...

Oh I love it all but the bench is my favorite. I've been after DH to build me a bench and shutters but so far no luck.

Congrats on your 100th post.

Anonymous said...

Tammy, I was just browsing a friends blog and found yours...I love your give away, please sign me up. You are very talented. I love the table benches, how about some cupboards for your shop?? Congrats on your 100th blog, I am just a beginner!!! Best of luck, Diana Thompson

Heart 4 My Home said...

What a fantastic give-a-way! Enter me please. This is just so cute. Thank you.


P.S. I have added a link to your contest on my blog.

Farmchick said...

Oh everything is wonderful Tammy! Yes....sign me up! I will add your giveaway to my post from this afternoon!

Let's see....shelves, blocks, signs....finshed and unfinished!!

Have a great evening!

Nita Jo said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. Some possible small items... Cutting Boards, Saltbox Houses, Blocks, and Keepsake Boxes... just to name a few.

Oh, and you've been Tagged. Come and play if you have time.

Nita Jo

Brooke said...

Hi Tammy!

I Love everything in your etsy shop! I have been looking at the shutters for awhile now! I think I need to buy them for a old cupboard I'm re-doing!
I Bloged about you on a post over at my blog! Please count me in!
Have a Great night Tammy!
;-) Brooke

Christina Marie said...

Wow! I just found your blog for the first time - you two have got some serious talent!
I'd love some small step stools with storage for my kids! Maybe with their names on them.

I've posted your contest on my blog. Can't wait to see what else you all come up with.. checking out the Etsy shop now :)

CarlaMom2AnSnM said...

Oh my! You have some serious talent!!! A friend just lead me to your blog and I'm so impressed! I love it! Congratulations on your 100th post!

Kelly said...

Just gorgeous! I would look for things like little tables such as that and small and large shutters. The work looks magnificient!


Anonymous said...

Hi there; If I were to order small wood items, I would order those peg candle holders, wooden toaster covers (custom to my toaster :-), small stacking benches, etc.

I will put the give-away on my blog at



Candace said...

I just discovered your blog, and it's wonderful. Congratulations on your 100th post.

Jean said...

What a wonderful giveaway! congratulations to you too. Small benches are something everyone uses for so many things, cubes that could be used on tables to give heighth would be great too. I love the shutters with the cutout. You will do really well , I am sure!Please enter me in your giveaway.
My email is
Have a wonderful creative day.
Jean in Virginia

Kim said...

You have an award waiting for you.
Kim in OK

Anonymous said...

Hi Tammy,

Best wishes on your 100th post and here's to many more--it's a fantastic blog !!! What a great giveaway--I would love to be entered--everything is sooooooooo beautiful. I would be thrilled to be the proud owner of one of your creations. Many your life & hubby's life always be blessed with God's riches and reward !!!

Janet in Eastern Pennsylvania

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Please enter me in the giveaway too. You and your hubby do beautiful work!

Happy Fall, Susan

daisyjane said...

Hi Tammy! See ya at CS boards!

Melanie said...

Hello Tammy... Ok so im new to your page and I got your page from Trying Sew Hard blog. I love love love your Etsy items... My kitchen is all Americana and lots of this would look so cute in my kitchen... Im looking into changing my house when we retire to Americana... Ok so I would like to be added to the giveaway... Again im new at your page and at blogging so here I go to put a post about this on my blog... God bless and take care... ~~Melanie~~

Susie Q said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! and what amazing 'toys' in the giveaway. You are so generous! And I so wish that I could paint...oh well, I'll do it with needle and thread....


Kelli said...

Yippee...a giveaway! Of course, I'm drooling over those acorns. :0) Congratulations on your 100th post!

Thistledew Farm said...

Awesome give aways - I love the bench. I do buy unfinished wood items on occasion and working on some of my own in Cherry. I love benches, bowls and wooden signs. I prefer my wood items natural. I like the look of distressed but haven't mastered the techniques.

MissBillie said...

I loooove your blocks....fantastic ideas! I would love to win this giveaway!!! You have some beautiful things! ~~Billie Lynn

Anonymous said... have a fantastic blog!! Congrats on your 100th post! Please consider me for your contest!! Thanks!

Sherry said...

Congrats on your 100th post. What a super giveaway, thanks for offering it. I'd be interested in shelves, quilt shelves & stands, benches. I'm glad I found your blog, wishing you many more blog posts!

Sandy said...

Hi Tammy,

I want to start off first by telling you that I just LOVE the shutters that you made for Dianntha (Ohio Farm Girl). They gave that finishing touch...WOW!

Please enter me into your blog giveaway and I also added it to my blog.

I prefer to have my wooden items already painted but if I purchase in not done then I will get the job and paint it to what I want. But isn't it so much quicker when you get it completed???


Debra said...

What a great giveaway! I would like to see a small wall shelf with a few small drawers underneath

Anonymous said...

tammy I just found out your blog it is great i love it.Please enter me .Jason does great work.I looking forward to reading more blogs.

The Primitive Bucket said...

Tammy I'm getting in under the wire, I hope. I just found your blog and love it and the things you are giving away are great!!! Please enter me if you have time!!!


Tammy said...

Congrats on your 100th post. I have just found your blog and am really enjoying it. Please enter me in your contest....I love handmade items!
Have a great day! :D
Tammy C.

Another Mom on the Internet said...

WOW 121 coments!

Linda said...

What an awesome giveaway!!
Please enter me :)

bsadams said...

Oh, I would love to be entered!!! I've been wanting one of those little benches!!! Thanks so much!!!

bsadams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Peggy said...

I would love to see wooden stove covers, table benches, boxes,primitive ladder to hang towels, etc on (the kind that just leans against the wall)

Anonymous said...

Hi tammy! its ladyjane04 from CS I love your blog and your giveaways are great,please enter me,i would also love to see dough boards and 4 slice toaster covers.debbie

Gayle said...

I would be SO tickled if I won your drawing! That little bench is just perfect for decorating a tabletop!
I'm crossing my fingers!

PlainSilk said...

Adorable vignette! Please put me in for your drawingif it's not too late!

Allison said...

Happy 100th post! Please enter me in to the drawing, everything looks great!

Table benches and blocks.

Allison said...

Hi Tammy,

Congrats on your 100th post! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Allison said...

Hi I posted above and forgot to include what items!

Blocks and I like the idea of a napkin box along with stoveboards too.