Here are the rules:
Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six people at the end of your post. Let each person know he or she has been tagged. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Here's what I came up with this time:
1) The first job I ever had was at Wendy's. I was sixteen. At that time, you had to wear a little smock type thing and a scarf bandana type thing around your head. Cute huh?
2) Before I go to bed, I go around picking up around the house...especially the living room...I guess I figure if I can have one room in order and tidy, I feel more in control. I love to wake up to no clutter!
3) It doesn't take much for me to tear up or cry watching a movie or reading a book that "moves" me or pulls at my heart strings. My family is used to this by now!
4) My daddy has always given nicknames to his kids, kids my mom kept growing up, and his grandkids. My nickname was (and is) Toots.
5) I don't feel complete when I leave the house (I feel "naked") if for some reason, I forgot to put on my earrings!
6) Jewelry is nice, but if my hubby wants to really make me happy, he knows all he has to do is build me something, or get me something that I love for my house!
And my Canadian blogging friend, Sandy, gave me the sweetest award, the Perfect Blend of Friendship.
On this one, I am supposed to answer these four here goes!

1) Do you have the same friends since childhood?
Some of them I am still in touch with and some I'm not...I guess I have a blend of new and old friends.
2) What do you value most about your friends?
That would probably have to be genuineness and loyalty.
3) Are your friends sounding boards?
Sometimes, but mostly my hubby and my mom end up being the sounding boards.
4) What is your favorite activity to share with friends?
Different for different friends...sometimes talking on the phone, sometimes shopping, sometimes homeschooling projects, sometimes decorating, sometimes just chatting online....
And now, I'm going to pass along this award to the same six ladies that I am tagging. Please take the award and if you would like to do the tag, please do so, and if not, that's fine too....I never want to burden anyone with anything! Feel free to pass the award and tag along in whatever way you like!
So here's my six:
1) Carolyn of Cranberry Crossings
2) Tammy of Lattes and Lollypops
3) Julie of Country Girl at Heart
4) Birgit of The Primitive Country Bug
5) Janae of Cozy Coops Corner
6) Wendy of The Cozy Yellow House
And now last, but definitely not least, Sandy at For the Love of Prims is also having this wonderful Christmas giveaway! She is drawing out a winner on November 15th! Hurry over and sign's a very generous giveaway and it sure will put you in the Christmas spirit!
Hi Tammy,
I also feel "naked" without my earrings and it really bothers me if I remember and I'm to far away to go back to put them on:0
I tear up too, Hallmark commercials and cards do it to me all the time:0
Hi Tammy,
I feel naked without my watch. Can't go a day or night without it. When I wake in the morning, it's the first thing I look at.
The only time it comes off is when I take my showers...
I cry also to movies, commercials and so on. Hubby always chuckles at me for it but I am just sensitive...
Thanks for posting my blog giveaway on your blog...
I loved learning more new things about you.
Awwww, how sweet! Thank you Tammy! I will get it posted as soon as I can.
I loved learning more about you. I am the same way about crying over things easily. I still get teased about it! Hubby calls me Miss Niagra Falls!
Have a great week!
Hi Toots!! Cute name!! I like it. I bet it means a lot coming from you dad.
I am the same way with earrings and I came home last week to get mine when I forgot them!! I cry easily too - when people win on game shows, when reading a book, when reading some blogs - even just a beautiful scene in nature. I'd rather be that way than the opposite though, wouldn't you?
Have a great Sunday!
I always love reading more about you, Tammy. I cry at those touching movies too. My boys just shake their heads! LOL
Thank you so much for the tag and award, Tammy...and don't forget the award I gave you, too! :)
I am the same way about tearing up at something husband is completely opposite, he holds his emotions in (not that uncommon for guys) but I've never seen him truly cry in the 15 yrs I've known him...and I am totally at the other end of the spectrum!
Oh My Gosh! I too have to have the house picked up before going to bed!
My husband has given all of our children nicknames. Maybe because we have so many, and that is the only way he can remember who they
I would rather have things for the house than jewelry too.
The only movie I remember crying with was "The Notebook". Gets me every time!
Thanks for sharing. Now I just shared with you and don't know why! LoL
Tammy, I really enjoyed learning more about you. I always pick up before going to bed, my big thing is dishes in the sink. I have to take care of that. Also, I cry easily, too. Take care, my friend.
I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm sad. I cry when I'm mad and that makes me even madder. Maybe it's a hormone thing......
This was a cute post, Tammy- thanks for sharing!!
I too go around picking up before bed... I hate to wake up to a messy house.
And I forgot my earrings one Sunday morning and made Hubby turn around and come back home so I could get them.
(Not wear earrings to church? NEVER!! LOL)
What a fun post, Tammy! I'm a night time picker-upper too. I like waking up to a tidy house... or returning home to one.
As always, it's fun to learn more about you, my friend. I hope all's well where you are...
Hi Tammy,
I do love reading little tidbits about my blogging friends and getting to know more about them. Yours are always so fun to read and I can relate to most of them. I too am a night time picker upper. I don't like to wake up to a mess so it's easier to do it at night before bed. I also cry at the silliest little things. My daughter laughs at me and gives me the box of tissues when we sit down to watch extreme home makeover! I won't share all my quirky things here since you tagged me. I'll save them for my next post. Thanks so much for tagging me. I like to do this type of thing too. It's fun to think of the little things about myself that seem so mundane and maybe slightly "not normal". LOL!
Hugs to you~
Tammy--thanks for the award. How very nice of you. I have so blessed to get to know you and consider you a friend, too. I am still admiring all the wonderful things you sent to me. I have a question...on the wood blocks you made, what did you do on the front of them to make them look a little darker and prim? I love that look and would like to try it. Have a great day, my friend. Julie
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