As we are studying American History now, I'm reminded more than ever of the price our forefathers paid for our freedoms that we enjoy as Americans today. They paid at HUGE price for it, actually. And that is why this election is SO important.
Today, I will be casting my vote for John McCain/Sarah Palin. Why do I vote for this team? In one word, it is simply FREEDOM. The only way any nation has ever survived is to have freedom of the people. I want the leader of America to be a man/woman that believes and trusts in the principles upon which America was founded and make decisions based upon these principles. Any yes, this nation and it's principles were founded on God. Under this, ALL can prosper.

Yes, we've had some hard times economically (which is NOT all the President's fault...he has fought a do-nothing Congress since 2006...and thus our gas prices soared too), but look at the rest of the world...people starving, being told what to do by their government.....and the opponent's ideas and beliefs are similiar in some areas and scary to me. You can go anywhere in the world and there's two things that will govern the laws in which you live (whether good or bad) and those two things are religion and politics (the two things everyone "says" you can't mix). You can't get away from those two. You can turn a blind eye to it but that doesn't mean it's not there, whether it be Buddhism, Hinduism, Muslim, New-Age Movement, or Christianity.

And those that would say that some of the issues upon which I am basing my decision are moral ones....YES, THEY ARE! I don't know any decision that doesn't come down to morals and values...what's yes, I'll be looking at the morals, values, and character first and foremost because it's from that character that all men/women, leaders included, make their decisions.
Regardless of who wins this election, the American people are going to have start standing up for the Constitution and our rights, period. I will be praying for whoever wins this election as well as the American people as a nation. The communists actually said that the way they could take over America was by destroying it from within and they could take it over without firing a more than anything and most importantly I hope whoever wins, the American people will just STAND UP for their rights and stand up for what IS right in every issue we face today!

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 11 Chronicles 7:14
'Way' to go, Tammy. I really enjoyed this blog. I just wish at least 98% of the American people felt this way. God Bless You and Your Family.
Amen Tammy. I couldn't have said it better myself!
God Bless You
Hello, my sweet friend. It's fun to see who everyone is voting for. I knew who you were with your graphic posted in your sidebar. I just want to thank you for posting your opinion in a "polite" way. It's great that we all can practice our freedom to vote and speak our mind in this great country of ours. I am voting for Obama and I have heavily prayed and thought about my choice. And it's great to see that people don't judge me as a christian because of my choice.
How true!! Enjoyed your post.
Great post! You said it well and I to am voting McCain. I can not vote for anyone who says it is okay to abort babies and believes in Born Alive!
Yep, I voted McCain also. Lot of research and reading went into it. They are also the only team that even mentioned the Constitution until lately when word came out that Obama thought it didn't address income inequity. Please. Right, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...get your own income! Okay, I'll calm down now. What I find so disheartening is that people do not research, they do not check the past of their candidate. Lord, our right to vote is one of our most precious rights...why do you think they take it away from felons? It is very precious and you have to be careful who you entrust it to. Someone who has been ashamed of our country, associates with people who hate our nation? Or do you vote for someone who has actually put his life on the line for you and me and I have no doubt that he would do it again in a heartbeat. And I hear young people ask why being a war hero would make him a fit president...or tell me that it is heart almost stops when I hear that and I want to cry...or better yet, make them sit down and read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and other papers by our Founding Fathers, good history book...
I also voted for McCain today. Thanks so much for posting this~how very true!Have a wonderful afternoon!
I couldn't have said it better my self...thank you for writing this..they are our thoughts exactly...amen..I hope folks will choose the right person...and I hope its McCain and Palin..they both seem really honest and aren't hiding anything..unlike the other individual that is hiding way to much and telling us what we want to hear...just ain't buying what he has to offer...and if they are true christians they wouldn't either..this partial birth abortion is just scary and shouldn't be happening...yes we should have our right to choose. but to wait sometime into the last month of pregnancy is just wrong and that should be outlawed...pure and simple...and obama signed up for that amongst other things..and he is hiding stuff and the media won't leak it out as it could hurt his campaign...well I think we should know what he's all about so that we could make an educated guess as to who we want for our president...but he hasn't done that and so I can't vote for him....
so thank you again for writing this..:) it needs to be said and we are all entitled to our opinions..
I always enjoy your posts because you are very kind and considerate of others. I also voted for McCain/Palin today. It was not any easy decision and I did research and pray about it. I am very happy with my decision and hope whomever wins today the wisdom to do what's right for all Americans.
Thank you so much for sharing!! I also voted for McCain/Palin for the same reasons.... I know who my provider is so I don't worry over those issues related to money or taxes; I chose to vote for my moral beliefs!
Yay Tammy. great post, well said!
Whooo hoooo Tammy! I'm off to vote in the very longggg lines for McCain and Palin...YES!
You expressed in writing just how I feel in heart. Thanks for such a great post. I pray for our country and its leaders. I feel that this country was founded on morals and values and it needs to stay that way. God Bless America. Julie
Ok, I know I'm not old enough to vote(definetly, I'm 9!), But, I agree with my mom that Mccain/Palin are THE ONLY candidates fit to run this country!!! AMEN!
Love, Joy =D
Hello. THanks for the wonderful post. I voted For McCain/Palin as well. I will be praying too!
Wow, beautiful post and very well said. I hope whoever wins, that they will respect that our constitution was created with divine inspiration from God, I hope they will always remember that!
I voted McCain too, but Im seeing the results tonight and not feeling so hot with the choice of my fellow Americans :(
Our family voted for LIFE today! And thank God every moment for the this freedom.
Love the verses that you chose. Perfect for this day!
Your post was perfect, you said it all so well! God Bless you and your family! God Bless the USA!
Hugs and Blessings,
What a great post....I voted for McMain....just receive the news that Obama is the elected President....I will continue to pray.....I will pray for American people and also our new president.....We need to take our stand to keep our beliefs "In God We Trust. May the Lord bless you and your family Katherinellen
Very wise words, Tammy. Thank you for sharing them with us. I also voted for McCain/Palin and completely agree with your thinking.
Good for you!! This is why I love America.. freedom of speech & the right to choose who we want to vote for!! I am not for McCain, but we all have our own opinions & I think that it is great that we can express them!!
Amen! I totally agree!
Hi Tammy! Love your post.I also voted for McCain/Palin.
This morning my neighbor told me she had no idea why she voted for Obama.WTH?
I hope everyone pays close attention to his words and doesnt expect a whole lot of change, like last night when he said "Change is coming, it might not happen in 1 year and it might not happen in 1 term." To me he has already set everyone up for a when nothing happens I wont be surprised.
Hugs BeCca
Amen! Amen! and Amen!
Even though we are now a day later and know the outcome of the polls, we must continue even more, down on our knees praying for God's work to be done. HE IS STILL IN CONTROL! PTL!
I voted for McCain and Palin on probably some of the same moral reasons as many others; the right to live being top on my list.
Hugs and blessings to you dear friend. We as Christians need to continue to pray.
Hugs~ Birgit
Fantastic post!
Our pastor has encouraged us through the months to not vote "politics" but to vote "Christ". Our family voted for McCain/Palin because of issues such as abortion, etc. God will see us through this tough economy!
God is still God and He's still on the Throne!
Well said. I liked what you wrote on Katy's blog and followed you here. Let us continue to pray for our nation that desperately needs it.
I voted McCain as well!!!! I am dissapointed he didn't win...but glad that the popular vote shows that he got close to Obama' not EVERYONE is as infatuated with him as I feared! I will respect him as our President though and such!
I agree. Oh, and you have been tagged. Check out my blog.
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