Hi blogging friends! I'm playing catch up today with a combo post!
First of all, thank you for the prayers for Donna and her family. I haven't heard anything else from her, but I'm certain these past days have been a blur to her and the days ahead will be even harder.
I can't believe it's been a little over a week since my last post. Last week kind of whizzed by for me. We spent last Tuesday at the children's hospital and doctor's office with Luke getting his MRI and follow up visit. This was done as a reference point from his repaired meningocele. The neurosurgeon was pleasantly surprised and pleased to not find what he expected to see. He showed us his films and said what he does have inside (with his Spina Bifida) is diastematomyelia, which is more rare, but he'd much rather see this. He doesn't think we need to do anything but watch him and do follow up appointments every 3 months as he grows, especially to age 5-6 or so. Since he's done so well with all functions and been so healthy, we will know if there are any changes and if so, at that point, we would probably be looking at a corrective surgery, and most likely only one. This was a good report and we're so very thankful for it! It's hard to explain, but honestly, I've never worried about any of this. I know God gave us this precious boy and He's in control. Period.
Getting ready for his MRI....

Luke had to be sedated for the MRI, so I'm glad that part is over with! He did fine, but it was mom here that got sick in the recovery room (very embarrassing). I was just trying to get through the day waiting for a dental appointment the next morning coping with pain meds and obviously discovered a pain medication I definitely can't take. Hydrocodone to me = nausea and splitting headache. Ugh! Anyway, I made it through the day but was so glad that Jason and Joy were with me! (And I did have my root canal the next day).
Of course, we had to treat the kiddos (and us) to ice cream afterwards.....

Then to the park (well Jason and the kids did the park while I rested in the car)....

Then on Friday, Joy got up the nerve, took the plunge and got her ears pierced! Her daddy, Luke, and I took her to Claire's where they did both ears at the same time (per her request to get it over with faster). :) She did great and she looks so cute! Now she's looking forward to earring shopping!

And for the long term project I told you about earlier.....it really is LONG TERM project as the expense will mandate that, but it's something we look very forward to completing!
Over our garage, we have an area that we've planned on converting to a pool house/apartment for awhile, but kept getting put off, mostly because of the expense. However, we've decided to just tackle it a little at a time. My mom and dad recently got a new bigger heating and air unit and gave us their old one that is perfect for that area, thus our first step (and a big expense out of the way). So basically, that's what has started the project.
Here's the outside. (The cedar needs to be stained out here again).

We want to add a covered porch. Then it will be really nice sitting up here then because this is the view to the pool:

Here's the big mess that it is now....storage for a little bit of everything (ours and my mom and dad's):
Over here to the left we're thinking a kitchen, a little dining area and a bathroom.

Over here will be the living area and a bedroom (maybe separated by curtain).

We're still working out the details but it will most likely have a rustic cabin flavor to it sprinkled with primitive decor as well.
But first things first, Jason started replacing the siding on the out building behind the pool. This maintenance issue has to be completed before we tackle the loft area above the garage, which will be way more fun.
Anyway, even though it's a long term project, I thought you might enjoy watching it progress and hopefully emerge into a nice rustic retreat right outside our backdoor. We're very excited!
This week we're in Nashville with Jason for a training class with his job. Poor fella is having class, while Joy, Luke, and I are having fun. We're playing during the day and then having dinner and swimming with Jason in the evenings. We even hope to get to meet
Mandy of Mayberry State of Mind later this week for an outing! So hopefully some pictures from our time in Nashville in a couple of days!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great rest of the week! :)