First of all, the best thing was just the time spent with my family beginning Thursday evening and lasting through the weekend. Thursday evening, we had dinner at El Porton's. Mexican is my favorite, so it's almost-always Mexican food for my birthday dinner. My mom and dad, Aunt Jo and Uncle Wayne, and my father-in-law, joined our family for the dinner.
Friday, Jason took the day off to spend with me on my birthday. He, Joy, and I, just spent the day out and about doing whatever we wanted...including a trip to the mall...and where else but Lowe's? We had lunch at another place I love.....Jason's Deli. Love that place! That evening, I received my big gift from Jason.....wanna see?
That's a Springfield XD 9 mm! Can you tell I'm excited? I was able to try out several handguns of my choosing (with the gun dealer) that felt the best in my hand, and I knew when I shot this one, that it was THE one!
So here's where the title of this post comes's this for a combination of what a country girl gets for her birthday....and couldn't be happier! Let's see...
That's a handgun, high heels, a belt, a necklace, a gift certificate to have my nails done, and money to go shopping! (Maybe I should try shooting in the high heels)! :)
Saturday, we went to the mall again, and to see a movie (which I recommend), Up.

But I have to tell you that I was so close to tears, not one but three different times during this animated movie! If you get a chance to see it, it really is worth it! Very sweet!
Look at the dry erase board Joy made up and had sitting out for me!
She also made me this!
Colt made me this one!
Jason made me this! (He saw this design on the front of one of Colt's college textbooks)! lol!
I LOVE handmade cards! They are so special to me...especially what's written inside!
And more cards from family and friends....
I also received some email birthday wishes and an e-card from friends too!
Thank you to my my family and friends for making my birthday special! :)
And now, Jason and I have a fun hobby to do together....we've already enjoyed target shooting a couple of times this weekend! (Jason has a Smith & Wesson .40 Sigma). And I have to show you our target practice....
Jason saved it and wrote the date on it.....I guess he was impressed....and maybe a little sentimental??? :) How funny!
So as you see, I had a wonderful birthday....and thanks for all of those that wished me a happy 25th or 29th birthday! You are great! For those wondering, I don't mind telling how old I really am....I just turned 46! Since I don't like the alternative, I'll take every year that the good Lord gives me! :)
And I haven't forgotten about the giveaway I mentioned on my last post! I'm trying to decide for sure what I want to give it will be announced on my very next post! I am so anxious to get around to visiting your blogs don't give up on me! I'll, hopefully, be by soon!
Have a great day! Thank you for stopping by! :)