Just for a quick post today, I wanted to leave you with a picture that is a result of our Black Friday shopping. My mom, sister-in-law, and niece-in-law (if that is a correct word) and myself were out at Walmart at 4:30 a.m. on Friday. Although Black Friday shopping is a tradition for us, I have to say this was the first time to be at a Walmart, and I don't know that I ever want to be THERE again at that time! It was wild! When 5:00 a.m. rolled around, and they announced on the loud speaker to "go", I never saw such madness! People were throwing things over their shoulder into their carts and passing things over the head to the crowd behind them. I just stepped out of the way and watched. However, my sister-in-law, Missy, did manage to be one of the lucky ones to get a Wii. I just stood back and "watched our basket" from the things we had put in there before 5:00 a.m. All in all, it was fun though! The rest of the places weren't as bad. Later for lunch, we met with several other relatives, including my 90 year old Grandma, for lunch at Mama Blues.
So here's the result from four women shopping for 15 hours on Black Friday! Believe me, I didn't have one bit of trouble sleeping on Friday night! Oh, and you should have seen us trying to get all the stuff home (my mom's and mine) in one car because Jason and Colt had come home earlier because both had to work. Joy and I were packed in the back seat with LOTS of stuff! But would I do it again, yep, but I think I'd would think very strongly about starting at Walmart! :)
And one last thing....we had our Thanksgiving dinner at the church fellowship hall of the church attended by lots of our family members just because it's a HUGE family and there's more room there! These two pictures following are of my Grandma and Joy (her great Grandma). Joy walked up and was hugging her and I remarked that she was almost as tall as Grandma and they posed for these pictures laughing about it.
Joy is 9 and Grandma is 90! They are both blessings!
Next Christmas pictures I will be sharing is the foyer, staircase, and upstairs tree. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day! :)
You are one brave woman to be shopping on Black Friday!
But it does look like you had a good time!
Glad to hear you made it back from Walmart in one piece~LOL
Nice to read your posts again!
Have a good Monday!
It was nice to see a new post from you, Tammy! You are a brave girl...I've never gone shopping on black Friday because the crowds really do scare me.
Now that's some shopping expedition!!
Love the picture of Joy and your Grandmother. It's wonderful to see the different generations!
We did the Black Friday thing, too--at Wal-Mart and other places. I have stories to tell about Wal-Mart, but we still go back year after year. It looks like you scored!! We did, as well. I was exhausted come Friday night, though. Have a great day. Julie
YOU really did shop to ya drop!!
Granma and Joy are adorable!
I'd say that you definately done great on your Black Friday shopping spree!! I use to go with our son Jamie when he lived in Ft.Worth, Texas. His Dad and Daniel would stay at Jamie's apartment while Jamie and Mom would shop till we dropped! It was alot of fun and ooooh so many laughs we shared! I still laugh when I just recall those happy times! I sure do miss our shopping times together, since he's moved to California... but, we do shop each and every time we do get together... which always is alot of fun, laughs and good times!
That sure is a neat picture of your grandma and Joy's great grandma together! Joy is almost as tall as she is! Your grandmother doesn't look to be 90 years old.... No way! I hope to look as good as she does, when hopefully, God willing, I'm at the age of 90...
So good having you back posting again Tammy!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a real nice one with some of our friends and family..
Love & Blessings,
Welcome Back! I always miss you when you don't posts. :) I agree you are a brave woman to go out on Black Friday. I sat home and rested after decorating Wednesday and cooking Thursday I was wiped out! You must have hit some great sales by looking at all the bags in the picture.
Seeing the picture of Joy and your grandmother made me think of my Nanny. I really miss her especially this time of year. She loved Christmas decorating and the whole family getting together.
I am so glad you are back. I can't wait for more Christmas decorating pictures! :)
Tammy, you sure are one brave woman - Black Friday is too much for me, but WALMART on Black Friday? You deserve an award haha:) Glad you did well though, and that your Thanksgiving was good too. Have a great evening! <3Lauren
Wow, I'm impressed with anyone that can brave black Friday! I was sleeping in. You'll always treasure the picture of your daughter and grandmother!
Hey Tammy; Wow you are a very brave lady, on the news they had so many awful stories of people getting hurt on black fri. Glad you and your family were not one of them. Sounds like you all had a great time. I could never get my bum up to go. lol Love the photo of your grandma and daughter. so sweet.
have a great week.
wow you did some bang up shopping..just glad you didn't get trampled and killed like that walmart worker did...its just nuts..I have never been out in it that early or ever..mine was due to a doctors appt and I was there...so stopped in to joanns..and the mall.but it was late in the morning...so it was all good...take care...(anything in those bags for me)...lol..
Hi Tammy!
LOL...are ya nuts, girl????
I would never venture out on Black Friday!!
Looks like ya made out well tho! :)
Love that pic of Joy & Gram...
Have a wonderful day!
Good Grief Tammy!
I must be living under a rock! I totally missed your post about your Christmas decor.
I love it all! It looks great with the new paint and updates. Wonderful job!!!
And what a haul you gals made on Black Friday! I was not brave enough to go out this year. So kuddos to you and your pals.
Love the pic of Grandmother! What a great memory to have of a great time!!!
I would say you are very adventurous and brave also to shop on black friday! I like so shop online. Looking forward to seeing more of your Christmas decorations!
That is just too funny about Black Friday shopping. I too was just the basket watcher, even for folks I did not know. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! The picture of your Grandma and Joy is just so special! Can't wait to see more of your home decorated up! Thank you for sharing so much with us all! Hugs and Blessings,
Wow you made a haul on Friday!!! I am sure you had a lot of fun!
LOVE the dining room pics Tammy. Great job! You really have the eye for decorating.
Welcome back!!! How was your trip to Alabama? We did the crazy shopping too. Love the picture of Joy and your grandmother....that's one to cherish.
How brave! I am glad you guys made it out of there alive! I did the Walmart thing a few years back and like you, once was enough!
Hi Tammy! :)
Wow...that Walmart experience sounds wild! All of that happening at 5 am!
I went alone to Fred Meyers (a famous chain store here in the northwest) at 9:45 and still got in on a few of their early sales that ended at 11.
But I posted about when we went to the main mall later that day as a family....I did get some great deals at the Disney store, but after that, well...you'll have to read it!
The pictures of Joy with her great grandma are SO wonderful! Wow- 9 and 90...They both have beautiful smiles!!!
Tell Joy that her penpal received her letter with great excitement the day before Thanksgiving, and she is planning on writing her back later this week! :)
Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving, Tammy!
Hey Tammy, I'm glad your black friday was a safe experience. I am sooo saddened by the assistant manager that was killed at Walmart, trying to protect a pregnant women. How sad that we have come to this. His life for a bargain. I look for changes to come, and they can't come quick enough. Jax
what a great picture of Joy and her Grandmother!
S gutsy--going out on doomsday. I sent the dh!
Hi Tammy!
So glad that you had a fun day. Someone is going to be very happy come Christmas morning.
I'm off to see your decorating photos!
Goodness! What a pile of packages and bags.... you girls must have cleaned out the store!!
*giggle* Does your Hubby know how much you spent, Tammy? LOL
Love the picture of Joy and her great grandma!
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