Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Favorite Homemade Christmas Ornaments Made By My Kids (And How to Make Them)

As much as I love themed trees and really primitive trees, I can't bring myself to change anything about our big tree in the living room.  It's so full of memories!  It's mostly just things the kids have made, ornaments my mom gives them every year, and special ornaments we've collected or been given.  Each one has a story.  We have so much fun remembering as we're decorating the tree.  There's stories about Colt and Joy, and now Luke will have his own to add to the tree as well.

Today, I thought I'd share some of my favorite homemade ornaments made by the kids with you, and how they were made.

This particular one is really a favorite because I look at it and see a special piece of art work and my kids' interpretation through drawing means so much.  The kids were asked to draw the nativity scene or "when Jesus was born in the stable". 

It's made with 3 craft sticks glued together in the shape of a triangle and a white piece of triangular paper or cardstock glued to the back.  (We didn't use them then, but I'm thinking glue dots would be easy now).  Add a little ribbon at the top to hang it.  Let the kids draw the manger scene.  I think it would be cute done with colored pencils, although my kids used a regular pencil.  Add some raffia or straw to the bottom for the hay in the stable.  Add a stick on star at the top (this one below is missing the star).  That's it and it's so precious.

This one is an old stand by, but a favorite, because it includes a photo.  For this one, you glue 3 craft sticks together in a triangle.  Then glue another 3 craft sticks together in a triangle.  Then place one of the triangles upside down over the other one and glue them together.  Then let the kids cover them with glitter (the fun part) :).  Then crop a picture to glue to the back.  Add a ribbon for hanging.

We've made these lots of times to keep kids busy for awhile.  Save your pringle lids (or other plastic lids in similiar sizes).  Pull out your Christmas cards from previous years and let the kids go through them picking out favorites.  They then crop the cards to fit the top of the pringle lid and glue it on the lid.  Put a border of glue around the edge of the lid on the cropped card and add glitter. Punch a hole in lid (this can even be done with an ice pick or a knife).  Add a hook for hanging or even a small ribbon.

This one is made from a circle cut from a piece of poster board and covered on the back with a piece of Christmas fabric.  Add your child's thumbprint and make a design from it.  Add decorative trim around the edge and a ribbon for hanging.

Salt dough ornaments are always fun for kids too.  They love getting their hands in the messy gooey stuff!  This one was made from a gingerbread cookie cutter and Colt used markers to decorate it like a tiger cub scout during a cub scout meeting.  You can use a straw to punch the hole before baking it.  They then used yarn for hanging it. 

This snowman was made from a plastic spoon and pieces cut from felt.  A face was drawn on the back side of the spoon for the snowman and a hat, body and scarf cut from felt.

And this one is definitely one of a kind. :) His name is Llama Bob.  He kind of reminds me of Squidward of Sponge Bob.  I'm not sure if anyone would ever want to make him and I'm not even sure exactly how he was made, but I had to show him to you.  When Colt got older (and Joy was little and happily making lots of ornaments), I asked him to make me an ornament for the tree.  You know it was during the time that he thought he was too big for such a thing (as boys tend to do) and this is what he came up with.  But it definitely tells a story and was "so Colt", that I love it.

Maybe I'll be back to share some other favorite ornaments, not necessarily homemade, but just some of my favorite ornaments from our big tree.  

So what about you....do you have favorite homemade ornaments made by your kids that you treasure?  I'd love to see them.  We enjoy counting down the days to Christmas and try to do an activity a day.  Making ornaments is usually on the advent list!

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great day!  :)


Kindra-At Home With K said...

These ornaments make me smile as well. :) The boys have their own tree in their rooms to put on their special ornaments. They enjoy the sparkly lights in their rooms and decorating them as well.

I'm saving your post so I have some homemade ornament ideas. Love the nativity one. :)

At Home With Amy said...

I bought new primitive trees for this years Christmas but only one will have a real primitive look to it. The tree in our family room will be adorned with all the ornaments my two kids have made over the years and every other ornament that we have collected as a family. You just can't easily let go of those memories. I think myself as well as my family would be disappointed if they didn't see their homemade and special ornaments on a tree each year. There is something about tradition that never leaves your heart.
Enjoy your week Tammy.

bbmomof2boys said...

Love the ornaments! Can't wait to get our tree up!!

Found you via Tim's blog and your comment on his gotcha day post hit home. You said that your Joy was the one who said her dad thinks he's too old for another child. My hubby is the same way and he's just 48!! We adopted our sweet T in June of 2008 and my heart says we too have another child in China. So I'm just sitting back and waiting on God to work on my dh's heart. Little T is now 4 1/2 and we have 2 older boys who are 17 and 20 AND we have 2 precious grandbabies who are 2 1/2 and almost 3 months.

We need to put our heads together and get our hubbies on board!!


Sheila said...

Good morning Tammy!
I really enjoyed your post today and seeing the special ornaments your children have made over the years. I feel exactly the same as you about the theme trees. I've been thinking of it for years, changing out our tree decor now that the kids have been gone for so long but still can't bring myself to do it. Each one holds such precious memories and you know even though they are 29 and 32 they still love to come home and see their ornaments on our tree! I separated them out a few years back and tried to give them each their own box but they said not yet mom! You keep them at home. If I had a bigger home I would perhaps consider two trees but for now I will continue to decorate mixing in the new with the old and adding for the grandsons!
May God continue to bless you and your family.

Michele said...

I'm right there with you Tammy. Our main tree is decorated with the kids' homemade ornaments, my ornaments, DH's ornaments, ornaments the kids get from family every year, the special ornaments from each of our family vacations and the ornaments DH and I give each child each year. I think it brings such tradition to Christmas and makes us thankful for each memory tied to each ornament.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Precious memories....Luke will warm your heart with his creations, and alliterations. Mya is always saying something so cute. She speaks English very well but occasionally her age shows her up. The other day, a friend of Sara's asked Mya if she'd like to help change the new baby's diaper. Mya looked at her and very seriously said, " No, thank you. I'm Asian." We all had to bite our tongues to not laugh but when she left the room, we did laugh! I'm sure you have a lot of those moments, as well. Moms could write books about such things.

Tanya said...

Hi Tammy,
I started many years ago putting up a 6'skinny primitive tree in my entry way to decorate with my kids ornaments as well. It's my favorite tree I put up! The only problem is I get so Mommy emotional when I look at each ornament! HA!
I'll try to take pics and share when I get it up.
Now...I loved loved seeing your ornaments, but would love to see the whole tree adorned with all of them! :0)
That's the reason I always have my 3rd graders make an ornament for their parents at Christmas.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful part of your Christmas decorating!
Love it!

Allison said...

I love your kid's ornaments! My mom always had us make ornaments each year for the tree. We have all our ornaments intermingled on the tree but I have another tree I hope to put up just for some of my favorite prim ornaments.

Hollie said...

Oh these ornaments are just precious! Thank you for sharing them with us. I love all the ideas of ornaments you could make. I will be sharing those with my co-workers as they have grandchildren!

Annie said...

Oh Tammy! Your tree sounds like ours! The handmade kid's ornaments are just the best! We have also started giving Lizzie one ornament each year from China. She loves it and I love all of your beautiful, memory filled ornaments!

LynnMarie said...

I posted on my blog this morning about our tree and some of the memories hanging on it. I agree, no matter how old those decorations get, they have to go on the tree. They are a part of who we became and some of the things we cling on to. Love your ornaments and look forwarded to making some of them with our grand daughter.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Tammy, It's great to hear from you... I will always remember and enjoy your beautiful home all decorated for Christmas...

Love seeing all of the home-made decorations on your tree. My kids made some very similar ones through the years.. There were so many things to be made using those little popsicle sticks...

We only have one big tree in our house--and it's a hodge-podge tree filled with tons of memories.... i would never change that.

Have a wonderful week, Tammy.

Birgit said...

Hi Tammy,
We have exactly the same type of Christmas tree. I could never not use all the homemade ornaments my kids have made. Like you said, they all have a story and memories that go with them.
Enjoy all the new Christmas memories you'll be making this year with Luke's addition to the family.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment about the loss of our dog, Hunter. Your kindness and friendship is much appreciated.
Hugs~ Birgit

Lois Christensen said...

I have to agree with you! Our tree is full of homemade ornaments. Some that I even made when I was a little girl. I wouldn't change a thing about our homemade tree! Yours are great!!! What wonderful memories!

Paula said...

Those ornaments are all so precious, Miss Tammy- but I think the pringles lid one is a very neat idea! Would be perfect for a Sunday School class.
Your tree and lights are so pretty!!

Shelley said...

Homemade ornaments definitely add family love and christmas spirit to a tree! Loved seeing your ornaments - especially the manger one w/ the popsicle sticks. Next weekend when i'm at the cabin I'll have to post more Christmas photos and some of my ornaments. Looking forward to seeing more of your christmas decorations!

Nancy M. said...

What great memories those make! I do have a few my oldest has made. This makes me want to make some with my little one.

MountainBlessings said...

I LOVE your home! Everyroom is so warm and cozy, I felt so at home. Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas, Marla

Unknown said...

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Steven Head said...

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