Wednesday, February 3, 2010

We Received Our LID! Yay!

Good news!

I really appreciate the prayers AND I promised to let you know after our DTC (Dossier to China), when we received our LID (Logged In Date), so I wanted to make sure I let you all know that on Joy's birthday (yesterday), we got word from Ms. Xiaoqing that we received our LID on 1/29/10! That means the dossier made it to China and was logged in with the Chinese government AND we made it before January's goal all along! That was only 11 days! The next step will be waiting for the next three little sweet letters.....LOA....Letter of Acceptance)! The timeline for this has been running about 2 months, but you know with God, anything is possible! I think someone recently got their's in 52 days....that's very encouraging!

Every step puts us that much closer to Luke. He turns two the end of this month, so we will send him a care package and have a cake sent to him via a third party, Ann of Red Thread, but I sure wish we could be there with him! Maybe we'll get updated pictures of him from his birthday celebration!

Again, thank you all for the prayers for the adoption process. It really helps knowing there are others out there praying for us as well! Praying our way through each step is what makes it bearable! It really does help planning and preparing the bedrooms during the wait too.

Bless you all! Have a great Wednesday!

**Joy loved all the birthday wishes...thank you for those too!**



Lee Hill Primitives said...

Congratulations! In the name of GOD, Luke is coming soon...

A Bit of Colour said...

Congrats! Thak you JESUS that everything is on schedule & Luke will be with you soon!


Debbie said...

What wonderful news and on Joy's birthday!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

WOO HOO! I am so happy for you all. I hope that before you know it, Luke is in your arms!!

Carmen S. said...

Oh my gosh that was FAST Tammy!!!! I'm so excited for you sweetie, little Luke has no idea yet what a wonderful and loving family he has waiting for him! I will pray the rest of the process goes just as fast for you!!! hugs, carmen

Wendi said...

Yeah! Hoping for a speedy LOA.

Michele said...

That's wonderful news Tammy! Praying that God speeds this along so that Luke will soon be here celebrating with his family...where he belongs!


Dan said...

That is wonderful! You are getting closer everyday! I know it must be hard to wait, but it will be worth it in the end. I will continue to pray that this process goes quickly! ~Dan~

Unknown said...

Congrats, so happy for ya'll and sending prayers!

Tina said...

Congrats on LID! Such a great feeling? Is that a picture of you mailing your dossier or did X mail you something when you were logged in? We just got a email that we were LID and I want to be sure I am not missing something. Thanks!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Praise the Lord! God is so good! Sometimes it is just hard to believe how much He does for us! Keeping you all lifted up in prayer and hoping that you have ssucces with every step of this process. God's timing is perfect everytime!

Sharon said...

Oh my that is such great news.
Prayers will continue for your family and Luke.
GOD is great!! Thanks for the updates and I am getting so excited, so I can only imagine what you going through.
Hope Joy had a great birthday.

Lynn said...

Congratulations!! That is such wonderful news Tammy, and receiving it on Joy's birthday is quite awesome!! God's timing is perfect timing!! I will be praying that you'll receive your LOA real soon! Little Luke will soon be with his loving family! Our God Is Great!!


Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

HI Tammy, Congrats on your LID!!!!
I'm getting excited for you! What a blessing when you will be able to have Luke in your arms!
Waiting is such a killer huh.
I enjoyed the pictures of Joy! How fun! SO, Happy Late Birthday Joy! She really does look like a happy soul! :-)
Blessing and hugs!

The Farmers Oldest Daughter said...

FANTASTIC!!! I think in an earlier post that we agreed with Jason it would be earlier than June that you would go and pick up your son. I truly believe, in my heart, that it will be before June. What a great birthday present for Joy,something she will always remember.

Everyone keep praying.


Tiffany said...

Congratulations! Praise God! Luke will be in your arms soon, God wiling!

Mandie said...

Congratulations Tammy! That is so great. Happy Birthday to Joy as well!! My daughter turned 11 Jan. 6. They are growing up way too fast.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, God is so good!

•♦•©The Olde Weeping Cedar •♦• said...

Oh wow, Tammy!!...this is just the best news! I LOVE that pic of you three...SMILES abound! What a blessed little boy Luke is...he's coming into such an awesome family!
...and what a blessed family you are to have such a beautiful boy!!
It's truly a 'match made in heaven'!
My prayers will keep goin UP ;)
Congrats to you all♥

Joy ~ Doodlebug ~ said...

I'm so excited!! :D Can't wait until LOA and TA!

Love, Joy

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Congrats Tammy I can't wait to see pictures too:)

Tell Joy a happy birthday for me ok? She is such a delight!


Rhonda said...

I'm so happy for you. Every step is one step closer to Luke being home. Congratulations.

Elle Bee said...

Tammy--this is such wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you and so excited for Luke to join your family!

Jo-Anne said...

What wonderful news!!! It sounds like all those prayers have been working some mighty miracles! I am so happy for you and your family.

Sue said...

HOW EXCITING. I know that it won't be as long as you think before Luke will be in your home.

Blessed Beyond said...

Congratulations!!!!!! What a wonderful blessing!!!

Happy Belated Birthday to Joy!

arkie said...

How wonderful! Yesterday was a great day! Pray the next step breezes through quickly!

Traci said...

woot woot!!! This is soooooo GREAT! Congratulations to all of you...including handsome mister Luke. I can't wait to see updated photos. Praying for a super speedy LOA!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Ah, the power of prayer.....
and the great power of LOVE!

Never So Simple said...

Congratulations Tammy. I am so happy for you and Jason. It won't be long before Luke will be here with us all in blog land.

I will email you this weekend and let you know how tomorrow goes.


TJ said...

Tammy this is fantastic news !!!! I am soooooo happy for you and your family. Another step closer to bringing your sweet son home. Happy belated B~Day to your daughter as well. Can't wait for your news that you have your LOA now. Praying that those papers sprout wings and land on the desks of those who can make things move swiftly. Keeping you all in my prayers nightly. Im soooo excited for you !

Prim Hugggs n Blessins

Joy Graham said...

We are soooooo happy that you have your LID. I hope everything goes fast from here. Ours was in late October and we got the LSC on 12/22. God Bless, coy

Simple Home said...

Wonderful news Tammy! I'm sure you're all so excited. I'll continue to keep you in prayer.

Melissa said...

Yahoo! I am so excited for you!!! Good job -- you are right on schedule!

Pugg said...

Tammy thanks for coming to my site and leaving that wonderful comment! I would like to decorate my site however do not know how, can you help with a site for directions for skins?
Thanks pugg