I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Answers in Genesis or the Creation Museum, but in this family, we love both! Both have played a critical part in equipping us with the knowledge to defend creation and our faith in God.
It's so important to us that we give our children a solid foundation on creation origins, so that when they meet the "professionals", "professors", and the "scientists" of this world and are told that we evolved from monkeys and that this earth was formed from a big bang, they will have the knowledge and information they need to back their beliefs. And they will know that they never have to start without the Bible, because we believe what the Bible says concerning how we and this earth and everything on it was created.
I'm sure you've heard of Bill Nye the Science Guy. My oldest son, Colt, grew up watching Bill Nye the Science Guy. He's funny and entertaining and he makes science fun, BUT, he is a strong believer in evolution. And we're not. We believe God's Word. All of it. That includes the first 11 chapters of Genesis, which tells us of creation. Well, Ken Ham, the CEO of Answers in Genesis will be debating Bill Nye this coming Tuesday, February 4th, on "Is creation a viable model of origins?" I can't wait to hear this! Ken Ham is a wonderful speaker!
So today, I'd like to invite you to do a few things:
1) Go to the Creation Museum if and when you get the chance. Your eyes will be opened. If you have doubts or just need more answers, you will find them there! Creation makes perfect sense! It's an awesome place! It is centrally located in the U.S., within an 8 hour drive of most places in the U.S. We can't wait to go back when the Noah's Ark replica is completed! The Creation Museum made quite an impression on us!
2) Visit the Answers in Genesis website and even better yet, order some books. Not only do we have many apologetic books from there, but our science curriculum comes from Answers in Genesis. There's a wealth of information through Answers in Genesis.
3) Next, plan to watch the debate. It can be watched live-streamed online for free. For more information on that, you can click here. After the debate is over, it will be sold as well through AiG on DVD.
4) And last of all, would you pray for Ken Ham.....for wisdom....as he debates.
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16 (ESV)
I would also like to ask prayers for Joy. She will be performing in The Chinese New Year Festival tomorrow. This past week, she had type B flu. She is dealing with a nasty cough. Would you pray she is able to get through her interview and her dance performances without coughing? And we would appreciate prayers that the rest of us get rid of our coughs and don't catch what she's had. And we praise the Lord for getting her over it quickly....it could have lasted much longer...the fever and all, that is! We know that it was God that brought her through it so quickly! Thank you so much for the prayers!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Be Blessed!
♥ Tammy ♥