I know all my friends and family that have followed our trip to China have probably been wondering about us. We're here at home and so glad to be! When we entered the US at Detroit, Michigan and the immigration guy said welcome home, boy was that music to our ears! We arrived home late Saturday afternoon and were met at the airport by Colt & Amber, Mama and Daddy, Richie, Missy, Kemper and Laci.
Grabbing jie jie's head and planting a kiss on her...

Helping jie jie blow up the raft....

We've been dealing with alot of things since we've been home....and alot of change. As a matter of fact, I'm doing this post right now with a certain jabbering and wiggly two year old little boy in my lap, munching on goldfish crackers with "ma". (Edited - just now finishing this post several days later while little Mr. is napping). Ma is what Luke calls me half the time since he has heard Joy calling me "mom". He has to know where I am at all times. However, he is letting Jason do alot more with him now. He is slowly coming around with Colt, my dad (Pop), and my mom (Grandmama).
First time he let Pop hold him....

Mr. Attitude...I'm sure he was getting ready to come out with something ornery...like "boo yah".

One of the biggest issues we've been dealing with is being so tired and the jet lag. The time difference has been hard as far as adjusting goes. I'm a woman that needs her sleep and haven't been getting much lately. I think jet lag hit Joy and me the hardest. We've been waking up alot during the night and I think Luke has been confused as well. He won't stay in his bed in his room all night. He's having some issues at night that I believe is his way of grieving....the time he wakes up and remembers. He's been in the bed with us. I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing or temporary, but I do know he was used to sleeping with his foster parents. (Edited - as I'm finishing this post, he's napping and cried for a shorter period of time...only 15 minutes). :)
Happy in the pool...

At Incredible Pizza at the virtual ride, "Jett Pack"....

In addition to this, Jason has been sick with whatever I had in China, and Luke still has some of his cold as well. We're trying to clear up the multiple insect bites that Joy received in China. We have no idea what they were but they have looked pretty nasty and some look like they were trying to get infected. They liked her best and she has quite a few and is very allergic. And she's having some stomach problems as well. We had to go to the Dr. for all of this. On top of that, we've also been dealing with a flea problem since we came home. Our cat never goes outside but somehow has got fleas and thus created a problem for us in the house. We tried taking care of it ourselves, but ended up having to call out a pest control and had to take the cat to the vet to have her treated. (Edited - the flea problem is much better....thank the Lord)!
Sun-kissed cheeks after swimming...

Guitar Hero....

SO....I guess you could say this past week hasn't really been all that pleasant. It's been a kind of tough week. Thankfully, Jason was off last week or I don't think I could have handled everything. My motto and thought getting me through all this is that "this too shall pass". I just hope its all very soon.
He loves being in the water...

All smiles with his jie jie....

Luke is a very loving little guy....full of kisses for all of us. He's still not secure enough to let me out of his sight for long though. Considering since we've had him for just a little over 2 weeks and he's been on 3 airplanes, a train, several bus and van rides and 3 different hotels and then home, I'm sure he's still not sure what's permanent and what's not. We've had a few problems with pinching and hitting, but that has gotten a little better too, He is very smart and is catching on to things so quickly that it amazes me. He has learned quite a few English words and he almost never forgets to say "thank you" when someone gives him something. And he says it in such a way that he's overwhelmed that you gave it to him...like with the emphasis on the thank. When we sit down to eat, he immediately bows his head and puts his hands together waiting for us to pray. He'll repeat the prayer after us if we ask him to. I think he thinks he should pray everytime we give him a different type of food and he's not satisfied until everyone has their head bowed and is praying. He does it so cute clasping his hands together so matter of factly and saying, "pray". He'll repeat just about any word we ask him to say. Let's see...he says oh yeah baby, no way dude, bye bye, I love you, baba-da-man, cat, please, shoe. ..probably not your normal first English words, but when you have 21 and 11 year old siblings, they kind of take advantage of this and are enjoying it very much! For a complete list, see Joy's blog! lol! :) His understanding of English is way beyond his ability to remember how to say the words. I've had him helping us do things around here and telling him what things are called as we do it. He's catching on amazingly quickly. He took me by surprise the other day when I asked him if he wanted the rest of his noddles....he shook his head no and said, "thow-em-way". That's throw them away. I had him helping me and was having him throw things away. We can really tell the foster family spent alot of time with him. But the flip side of them spending so much time with him....he's pretty demanding. We've kidded around and called him Little Emperor! :) Oh and he really is completely potty trained, even at night. That's been really nice.
Super Hero....

He's enjoying the pool and is pretty much fearless when it comes to the water. He puts his face in the water and will let Joy jump in the water with him and he goes under. He has been floating on his own in the water.
Taking it easy....

Our trip to China was wonderful and the people there were so good to us, but there is really no place like home and we're so glad to be back in the USA and settling in here at home and trying to find our new normal. Today has been much better. Hopefully, we're starting to find some kind of new routine that will work for us.
No fear....

Thanks for following our journey in China and thanks especially for the prayers and for continuing to keep us in your prayers! (The pictures throughout this post have been taken since we've been here at home). I'll try to get some videos for you soon!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
~ Tammy ~