We had a really wonderful Easter weekend. My brother and his family came Friday night, so we spent all day Saturday together too! On Saturday, it was beautiful outside for the kids to play, and Sunday was
almost as beautiful. At least it was fairly warm, but a little overcast.
I'm starting with the beginning of the day....on Easter. Warning...there are lots of pictures. I hope I don't bore you! And I'll just tell you up front that Jason had control of the camera all day. I can't believe I really had very little to do with taking photos. That is so unlike me! It felt strange. I think Jason enjoyed himself though. And I can't remember a time that I've been in SO MANY pictures...(which I'm not that crazy about either)....Hope you enjoy our family pics!
The dining room table with Easter gifts....

Joy was the first to get to the goodies...Here she is with her Easter bucket...

Right before we were walking out the door to go to church. That's my nephew, Trey, and his wife, Shauna.

Trey and Shauna in the backseat of the car on the way to church...

Jason and me...He took this picture holding the camera outside the sunroof! lol!

Colt's cage....lol! He plays the drums at church. We call his little drum booth his cage!
There he is playing the drums during the Easter service. We get tickled at some of the faces he makes when he is so into playing! My brother, Richie, was sitting beside me and he really was getting tickled with him! I guess Colt just gets in his own little world in his cage!

Colt works midnight to 8 shift, so he comes straight to church for practice and then service. Sometimes he has trouble staying awake after he gets still. Easter morning, he started snoring! Uh-oh! We had to give him the elbow-in-the-side-treatment! :)
The church service...We have an awesome praise team!

One of the few pics of Colt on Easter this time because he came home and went straight to sleep after working all night. He missed all the family pics (which was probably just fine with him because every Easter since he was a baby I've fought for those Easter pics...the little booger!)...But I was bound and determined to get a picture with him! This was outside church. (I'll be glad when the black hair comes back.....hint hint Colt)....

Back at home...well next door at my mom and dad's house...for the looooooong photo shoot! :) At this point, Colt was fast asleep on our couch at home worn out from working all night and being at church and then out to dinner, so he's MIA!
My mama and me...

My brother, Richie, sister-in-law, Missy, and niece, Laci.

Laci...(I miss the days already of those princess dresses)...

Daddy and me...

My nephew, Kemper...

Grandmama and Pop with the grandkids (minus Colt),(and Luke)... :(

Grandmama and Pop with kids and grandkids (minus Colt and Luke again) :(

Richie and Missy and their crew.. (I really like this picture)! :)


But we missed Colt and Luke, so we thought of a way to add them in... :)


Laci (my niece) and Joy..

My sweet daughter and me...

Kemper, Joy and Laci (the "little" grandkids)...(Trey and Colt are the "big" ones).

Grandmama and her granddaughter-in-law (Shauna)...

Kemper (my nephew) and Joy..

Oh, and Richie's ride from Alabama to here (following Missy and the rest of the family in their SUV). And boy did he get in trouble (with Mama)!!!! He should know better by now! That's two words that don't go together....mama and motorcycle....
My brother never learns! lol!

So there's a little glimpse of our Easter weekend! I hope you all had a good one too! Thanks for making a visit here part of your day! I appreciate it! Have a great week! :)
~ Tammy ~