
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy 13th Birthday, Joy!

How can it be that my little girl is turning 13 today? She was just my little girly tomboy (click on that link to read more about that) that slept in sponge curlers every Saturday night and wore her hair in ringlets on Sunday mornings to church and then came home and played “roughest toughest” with her daddy on Sunday afternoons in her dress and hair bow.

Joy loves to tease me with, “I’m almost 13”. After that I'll be 14, old enough to get my driving permit.  In 2015, I’ll be 16”. She knows I don't want to rush it! Although I miss the little girl, I love the young lady that she is becoming. She is such a blessing to us and I know God has a special plan for her life. We have the bond I always envisioned in a daughter.

Joy strives to please not only us, but to serve the Lord. It is for that I’m most thankful. Of course, I think she is beautiful, but what’s even more beautiful to me is her heart. She has such a compassionate heart. She truly desires to live a life pleasing to God and to seek His wisdom.

So today, Joy, I wish you a Happy (13th) Birthday! I pray that you always allow God to guide you through your teenage years and mold you into a beautiful woman for His glory. I’m so glad God gave you to us to be our daughter! We love you so much!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised". Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)

Joy:  Jesus first, Others Second, and Yourself Last.  You are a joy!


(And none of this stuff about turning 16 before we know it or you are grounded). :)


  1. Happy Birthday to your Sweet Joy!
    You have a beautiful family!

  2. Happy Birthday I know we didn't know you as a weeee little one but we sure have been following your growing up the last couple years and you turned into a beautiful young lady...and our grandson Joe turns 12 today too! Special day for Two special people.

  3. What a lovely young lady she is inside and out, Happy Birthday to her!

  4. Beautiful baby, beautiful young woman. Happy birthday to your teenager.

  5. Wishing your sweet daughter, Joy, a very Happy 13th Birthday!

  6. Well.....that about made me bawl!!!!!! Goodness gracious she is just darling and precious and has an infectious SMILE!
    And.....I would love if my little granddaughter could be born today on her birthday!
    I hope she has a "FABTABULOUS" birthday and is treated like a princess today!
    You should be very proud of her...and honestly...although God is her Creator....the influence of her Momma and Daddy are perhaps the strongest reason she is who she is. So, here's to you!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Joy!!!!!!!

  7. Beautiful post! Happy Birthday to Joy! Hugs, Eve

  8. Happy Birthday to Joy! She is a beautiful young lady both inside and out.... A happy day to you all as you celebrate her 13th B'day!

  9. Happy Birthday to your JOY!! Such a beautiful young lady she is growing up into! And yes, before you know it she will be turning 16! Enjoy your special day!

  10. Oh my goodness! How can it be???? she is growing up right before our eyes! She is most definitely a wonderful young lady and I agree 100% - God has special plans for your sweet beautiful daughter! I can't wait to see what they are! Then i can say I knew her when!!

    Happy Birthday Joy! It has been my pleasure getting to know you a little from blogging! Big hugs !

  11. Aw, Happy Birthday sweet Joy!! You are a beautiful girl, inside and out!!!!

  12. Happy 13th Birthday, sweet Joy. You are a very beautiful young lady inside and out. Enjoy your special day and don't be in such a big rush to grow up. Enjoy every moment of your young life.
    big warm hugs to you ~

  13. Happy Birthday to Joy. She is so beautiful and I loved the younger photos.
    The years sure do move along swiftly that is for sure. It is kind of like that song "Don't Blink"

  14. Happy Birthday Joy! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. I have followed you for a long time and I have watched her grow up. She is an amazing young lady!


  15. Happy birthday to a beautiful young lady with a heart of gold;)

  16. Oh my goodness~ these pictures are precious, Tammy! Happy Birthday to Miss Joy!!

  17. Happy Happy Birthday, Joy!!!!!! Hope your day is as sweet and special as you are!!!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  18. Happy Birthday, Joy! I hope you have a super fantastic day! :D


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God bless you!
~ Tammy ~