
Friday, February 10, 2012

Faithful Friday - "Give Me Your Eyes"

Where to even begin on this post? There have been some events in my own experience these last couple of weeks that especially press heavy and make this post all the more special to my heart.

How often I rush through my days, when I’m out and about, right past people, as I drive through the fast-food drive-in window line, in the check-out line at Walmart, past people on the street, even through the online world.

Well this song hit me hard. As I mentioned before, music lyrics have a special way of speaking to me, whether that be encouragement or conviction.

This song does a little of both.

It’s called, “Give Me Your Eyes” and it is written and sung by Brandon Heath, a wonderful Christian artist. Many of his songs really inspire me. But this one…….this one just might be an all time favorite. I think I’m going to get it for my ringtone as a constant reminder to see through the eyes of Jesus.

I hope as you listen to the song that you will really listen and take the words to heart.

So many times, I am quick to anger, criticize, or draw my own conclusions with or about people. After listening to this song and thinking of all the people with whom I come in contact, it made me really think and wonder just where they’ve come from, what they’ve been through, or what they’re enduring now. Am I seeing the hurting people who just need me to show a little compassion, a kind word, a touch of encouragement, or just a smile? Or am I seeing the rude sullen-faced employee, the filthy mouthed teenager, the gruff dirty man that just walked in and sat down at the booth next to us at McDonalds, or the person leaving ugly comments? There are so many “broken” people surrounding me every day and everywhere. And what am I doing about it? I just want more. More of Jesus reaching out to meet these people where they are……seeing them as Jesus sees them. But in reality, I see how just how often I fail in this area!

God told us in His Word how He looks at people. When God told Samuel the guidelines to use to find the next King (after Saul), He said:

“The Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Well you know the story here. David is the one chosen to be King and he’s just a shepherd boy…..but a shepherd boy who knew with God’s help, he could defeat the giant, Goliath. Everyone else looked at the outward appearance, but God looked at David’s heart.

I want God’s eyes so I can see the heart. I just might see that the rude employee’s actions are her only way of coping because her husband just walked out on her that morning. My compassion and kindness just might be what she needs. I mean, how hard would that be? Lord, help me remember.

I want to look beyond the prejudices, the put-downs and see the potential of that person who has been made in the image of God (just like me).

And in the Bible, what about the woman at the well? Remember the woman that came to draw water during the hottest part of the day (probably because she couldn’t come when all the other women came because she wasn’t welcome among them)? She found Jesus there. I mean she really found Jesus there. She came for water and went away with so much more… water. Jesus already knew (before she told him) that she had been married five times and was living with a man who wasn’t her husband at the time. She left that well a new person, excitedly proclaiming about this man who knew all about her.

Seeing through Jesus’ eyes means looking past failure(s) and giving another chance. Maybe that person just needed a kind word that day.

Paul mentions how we are to see through Jesus’ eyes when he speaks in Corinthians:

“From now on we regard no one from a human point of view; even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way. So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away.” 2 Corinthians 5:16

So if I am a Christian, I have a new way of seeing people. I should no longer see them “from this human point of view”, but instead from Christ’s point of view.

I want to see with compassion like Jesus did with the blind (since birth) beggar. Jesus’ disciples were asking (just like something we could probably be heard saying)….I wonder who sinned to cause this….the man or his parents? Here the disciples were ……not even feeling real compassion about this man that never had the privilege of taking in God’s beautiful creations or the faces of his loved ones through seeing eyes. They were involved in the legalism and theology of it all. But Jesus said neither one (not the sin of either).….but to bring glory to God. And Jesus proceeded to heal this blind beggar.

I want to see the suffering person and not wonder what happened to them or what caused it, but to see them with compassion….true compassion with a desire so strong to help them that I can’t rest until I do. I want to see suffering through Jesus’ eyes. Lord, help me remember.

I don’t think this is going to "just happen". I’m going to have to make the choice. I’m going to have to choose to see through the eyes of Jesus, and not those of the world. I want to be constantly alert and learning from Jesus who truly knows compassion. I want to see past the superficial and see deeper. Lord, help me remember.

We (Joy & I) just got finished reading Kisses from Katie together, by Katie Davis, the 21 year old girl that is amazingly seeing through the eyes of Jesus in Uganda and just allowing Him to use her. It’s a testimony to just what God can do if we choose to see through the eyes of Jesus and allow Him to love through us. What an inspiration and a conviction! (I will have to do another entire post on her book, because people……you need to read it! It is a true eye opener, and a heart opener)!

If you visited here today, I know it was meant to be so and I hope that just as this song and these verses encouraged, inspired, and convicted me with the desire to see through the eyes of Jesus, that it does the same to you. Just think if we could all do that......what a difference we would make!


If you would like to participate in Faithful Friday, we’d love it! Just leave a comment here or on Joy’s blog letting us know and we’ll come by and visit!

Be blessed!  Have a great day and wonderful weekend! :)


  1. What a great post, Tammy. I posted about an experience that I went through recently.

    I found myself in a conversation with an atheist last week and it just broke my heart. I have no idea why this person's heart is so hard, but I believe God allowed me to feel just a little of how His heart must break for those who are lost.

    I love that song - I saw the video several months ago.

    I think I'll email you to cach up a little!

  2. Thank you Tammy...I so understand what you are saying...I do say in my mind that I want to be more understanding and less critical - I'm sure there are days when people must think of me in a bad way - and I don't like that thought so I do think about looking at others differently like you said.
    I loved your post.
    Thank you so much.

  3. OH my sweet Tammy! What a beautiful post and so true!! I agree if we could see through Jesus's eyes and the way he does, it would make such a difference in this world. This really touched me beyond. And I love this song!
    Hugs and Blessings,

  4. Oh Tammy this was a real heartfelt post.

  5. When I choose to forget about myself and let GOD be GOD then I will be there, where I should make a difference.
    Sometimes it feels too overwhelming not to be the complete me, I am supposed to be. Suppose all this again comes down to crucify me and let HIM be all. After all that is the bottom line; it is all about HIM.

  6. Mama,

    You KNOW I love that song and the music video! I mean, I'll be going through a lot of airports throughout my China travel, right? :)

    Awesome post! I love the prayer "Lord, break our hearts for what breaks yours."

    Thank you for alwasy participating in Faithful Fridays! I love you! 8!

    God bless you!
    Joy :D

  7. Well said...I always enjoy help to keep me focused! Miss you guys but anticipating seeing you soon!!!



Thank you so much for stopping by! I love hearing from you and I appreciate your comments!

God bless you!
~ Tammy ~